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Design support for program migration work
- As an admin, I want to export a program to be able to migrate it to a different instance
- As an admin, I want to import a program to save time on program creation
- Designs should define how an admin navigates to program import and export
Program migration mock explorations
Final functionality to be confirmed after reviewing tech feasibility with Rocky
@rockycodes I believe only blocker is finalizing the different error messages/states that may occur on this page? Let me know if thats correct. I've updated the mocks to visualize what different error messaging might look like.
Let me know if you have any questions
@sijiayam The one other thing on my mind is if we want admin to choose if they want to override an existing program or create a new one. But my guess is that won't be a part of v1. We'll default to override which is the requested behavior.