CTI-website-frontend copied to clipboard
Video for About page
Work on the content and production for the Video that will appear on the About page
Action Items
- [x] Draft outline of what the video should cover
- [ ] Review with users
Current Video Deck Updated deck OLD slide deck Figma User Stories Board
- Progress: first draft almost
- Blocks: none
- Availability: med
- ETA end of day 6/15.
[Update:] Version 1 of About Page is complete [Reference video] this video can be refered while making the content. :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5AfpHHTPVg
[Blocks] :Review and User confirmation needed @ExperimentsInHonesty
[Update]: Version 1 of About Page Video Outline is complete and available for edit
Review needed @ExperimentsInHonesty
@GSnapp were you able to reach out to your scriptwriter friend?
If you guys are still looking for a writer, I got in touch with one of my friends from school/the film industry. Her name is Sia, and she's willing to write for the animated short. Here's her e-mail if you want to get in touch with her and give her more details: [email protected]
[This message is for Bonnie and Jonathan] Sia has difficulty replying to your e-mail (according to her, she keeps getting an e-mail saying that her message failed to deliver), I was wondering if you could invite her to Slack instead, so she can communicate with you guys that way.
12/10 Updates Put updated slide deck on an automatic loop for the About page
Converted the slide deck into a video with music.
Product will discuss and create videos with voiceovers for A/B testing.
Sample video with voiceover - https://soapbox.wistia.com/videos/JbHYhpg6rd
I think that for MVP, getting different team members to record something similar to this and piecing it together would be great. This was filmed using soapbox by wistia (free with paid upgrades) and I have it as a Chrome extension.
I do like the idea of a professionally done video production but am concerned that we don't have the budget for it.
Product has agreed to revise the presentation slides to be more product focused, with refining the audience and why CTI. After which we will get team members to record a video and montage it together.
Current deck for video
Proposed wording for slide 3
Why create a Civic Tech Index?
- It will enable developers & project ideators to find other projects and prevent effort duplication .
- It will allow interested contributors to find projects to collaborate with.
- It will enable civic tech leaders to discover, ideate and iterate projects of other organizations for their own use cases.
- It will help government entities & other non profits to find the civic tech tools available to fulfil their needs.
@chalimar please make page 3 of this deck pretty
Product needs to rework slide 3 to be - Who instead of Why.
@Olivia-Chiong will take the list of personas from the CfA brigade project index and put it on the WHO slide
@mariastudnicka will update the confirmed personas into the deck
Updated personas page in deck.
Personas finalised, ready for design.
Is the video currently online complete and correct?
@shipranj will update Page#5
We can revisit this in the future, currently on the site is a slide deck that can be easily clicked through by the user