CTI-website-frontend icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
CTI-website-frontend copied to clipboard

Expert Interview: Bonnie

Open ExperimentsInHonesty opened this issue 2 years ago • 7 comments


We need to do a review with Bonnie to find out what is not working prior to launch

Action Items

  • [x] Record reviewing the site with her
  • [x] Add recordings to Resources below
  • [x] use Transcriptions of recordings to get a todo list
  • [x] Make Issues
  • [ ] Add list of issues to the resources below



Issues created

  • [ ] https://github.com/civictechindex/CTI-website-frontend/issues/1066
  • [ ] https://github.com/civictechindex/CTI-website-frontend/issues/1091
  • [ ] https://github.com/civictechindex/CTI-website-frontend/issues/1039
  • [ ] https://github.com/civictechindex/CTI-website-frontend/issues/1079
  • [ ] https://github.com/civictechindex/CTI-website-frontend/issues/1077
  • [ ] https://github.com/civictechindex/CTI-website-frontend/issues/1042
  • [ ] https://github.com/civictechindex/CTI-website-frontend/issues/1040
  • [ ] https://github.com/civictechindex/CTI-website-frontend/issues/1048
  • [ ] https://github.com/civictechindex/CTI-website-frontend/issues/1078
  • [ ] https://github.com/civictechindex/CTI-website-frontend/issues/1076
  • [ ] https://github.com/civictechindex/CTI-website-frontend/issues/1033
  • [ ] https://github.com/civictechindex/CTI-website-frontend/issues/1074
  • [ ] https://github.com/civictechindex/CTI-website-frontend/issues/1036
  • [ ] https://github.com/civictechindex/CTI-website-frontend/issues/1059
  • [ ] #1258

ExperimentsInHonesty avatar Dec 05 '21 17:12 ExperimentsInHonesty

Needs Update

  • [x] Issue #1042 should be re-opened. Page state for "Index Contributor" toggle isn't currently tracked in the URL (Civic Tech Organizations Search
  • [x] Follow-up on #1042 is confirming that All/Unaffiliated/Affiliated states are stored in the URL, either as a page or as arguments stored in the URL. Important for allowing bookmarking Timestamp 16:57
  • [x] Other Closed projects look good

New Issues

  • [x] On homepage, projects should open to CTI Project Page, not to their website.

Title: Homepage: Change destination of project links #1125

### Overview
We need the links for the projects on the homepage to go to their project profile page in the contributors section of our website

### Action Items
- [ ] Identify where the links are stored and how they are appearing on the home page 
  - [ ] Annotate issue with details in case we need to make changes later
- [ ] If hard coded, swap them out for relevant pages on CTI
- [ ] If coming from the database, change logic that drives what they link to.

### Resources/Instructions
<summary>Screenshot of "See how the Civic Tech Index is used by" section</summary>


<summary>Screenshot of page it should be linked to</summary>


Logo for BetaNYC should be linked to: http://civictechindex.org/organization/betanyc
  • [ ] Make sure all trending topics have results, verify that results not loading is result of GitHub APIs limiting multiple calls: Trending topics image Sometimes tags don't show results. Needs investigation (happened the first time I opened 311 and the second time I opened food-pantry. Seems to happen when you click tags in rapid succession) image This time nothing showed up: image Recreated issue -> Timestamp 8:00

  • [x] Make a tweet from CTI Twitter announcing launch so it shows up on Share Page and can be used to host a launch party. This should be done once the site is ready for launch. https://github.com/civictechindex/CTI-website-frontend/issues/1059 Timestamp 29:35

  • [x] New issue for updating Guide for New Volunteers. For @ExperimentsInHonesty Timestamp 32:45 Note: Looks like Wiki has been updated recently

  • [x] New issue: Form for people to join linked from Wiki. Is this deprecated? Timestamp: 33:01

  • [x] New Issue: Overiew should open to PDF Hack For LA -> Website -> Issue #2237 Timestamp: 35:15

  • [x] New Issue: Current team update on Hack for LA Website Timestamp 38:59 https://github.com/civictechindex/CTI-website-frontend/issues/1062

  • [ ] New Issue: Creating a new issue for each of the roles on the Wiki Page and update the information (ex. no strikethrough in UI/UXX Designer Page) Timestamp 45:45

    • [x] Sean will make a new issue for PM notes about onboarding PMs (a place to put questions, content for wiki page, links, etc.

Updates Under Review

  • [ ] Change PM Meeting time on HFLA "Civic Tech Index" Project page
### Overview
Incorrect meeting time on public-facing website making onboarding more difficult.

### Action Items
- [ ] Create a new issue on [VRMS github](https://github.com/hackforla/vrms) with the changes that need to be made (see below on how to do this)
- [ ] Confirm changes have been made

### Instructions/Resources

#### How to make an update
1. Open issue using the [Add/Edit meeting time link issue template](https://github.com/hackforla/VRMS/issues/new?assignees=&labels=1+week+change+request&template=add-edit-team-meeting-time.md&title=Meeting+time+change+request+for+%5BProject+Name%5D) on VRMS repo
5. Message VRMS team in Slack Channel, linking the new issue, so they can add it to the project board
6. Confirm changes are made

Timestamp: 47:04 Wednesday PM meeting should be changed to Sunday 9AM

Screenshot of current page


  • [x] Inaugural Posts #1059

    • Prep posts for Social media (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Github)
      • Remind Bonnie to add people to Civic Tech Index
      • Get everyone on the CTI to invite everyone from HFLA to like the FB page
    • Make issue for who you are going to follow (all the brigades like Code for America). There should be a spreadsheet with all the brigades ("Code for America Twitter")
    • As soon as the site launches, start following these accounts and send them a message "Hey we launched" Timestamp: 48:47
  • [x] Confirm Privacy Policy has CTI instead of HFLA for website where applicable and technologies are confirmed correct

  • [x] Make page pop-up similar to 311-data's that says "we use cookies... Learn More" see below for example

    • Needs to prompt "accept message" or the pop-up will remain on the screen
    • Needs to have a "Learn more" hyperlink to projects privacy policy (made in Issue #1074 )
311-data's page showing Privacy Policy pop-up


Timestamp: 55:23

  • [ ] Add topic tags
    • Put our repo through CTI's tag generator and add some more Timestamp: 54:06

smsada avatar Jan 20 '22 20:01 smsada

Non launch critical issues When we created the privacy policy page #1074, we did not have a pop up. Make a new issue to create that, milestone is post mvp

  • [x] Make page pop-up similar to 311-data's that says "we use cookies... Learn More" see below for example (Issue created #1075 )
    • Needs to prompt "accept message" or the pop-up will remain on the screen
    • Needs to have a "Learn more" hyperlink to projects privacy policy (made in Issue #1074 )
311-data's page showing Privacy Policy pop-up


Timestamp: 55:23

ExperimentsInHonesty avatar Jan 23 '22 22:01 ExperimentsInHonesty

Recording 1 Issues

  • [x] Lots of brigades are no longer in business that are on the spreadsheet "Checking for org tags"

    • Created New Issue #1147
    • Some have repos that have not been updated while others still update
    • Influences decision on how to display them on Contributors page
    • Need tag for Brigade repos that are no longer active organizations
    • Need 2 new logo for "Organization is In-active" and one for "Repositories still active"
    • Need to have a way to note when something is in-active (potential source but they may be unreliable), see if they have de-listed older brigades from the site as we still want de-listed organizations who have a repo to be listed on CTI

    Timestamp: 0:09

  • [x] Communicate on CTI's organization page the number of in-active brigades possibly via Iconography #1076

    • Do so without offending the partners
Example of 85 Brigades to have ever existed in Code for America that are being listed on CTI and we want to avoid misrepresentation of information


Timestamp: 8:37

  • [ ] Confirm if changes are made to explain what an Organization is on CTI's Tag Generator section
    • Explanation of what an organization is should exist in a pop-up or bubble on page
    • Issue Created #1149
      • #1069 was already created
Picture of where the information should show up next to


Timestamp: 10:00

  • [x] How to Add topic tag page needs to be updated #1077

    • [x] In "1." change text to say "click [gear] to add your tags

    Timestamp: 12:34

  • [x] Incorrectly using Hierarchical tags (H1, H2, etc.)

    • [ ] Make reference design system and make it similar to HFLA's figma's Typography page
      • [ ] Reviewing Issue currently in Icebox at standup #12
      • [x] New issue created #1150
    • [ ] Use Title class instead of H1 class, important for screen readers as Hx classes are used for page structure (Headings and Subheadings) while the title class will control the size
Example of HFLA Style guide


Timestamp: 21:30

  • [ ] Update slides so they take the full width of the page on About Page http://civictechindex.org/about

    • [ ] Data Scientist [slide 13]
    • [ ] Don't need Database Architect [slide 13]
    • [x] New Issue Created #1151

    Timestamp: 29:47

  • [x] Change on "how to add your project page"

    • [x] Add link/sentence saying, "Need an overview of what CTI is? See our about page!"
    • [x] Solved in #1077

    Timestamp: 31:40

  • [ ] Make sure there are periods at the end of paragraphs

    • [ ] Check for consistency throughout all pages
    • [ ] New issue created #1152 Timestamp: 34:29
  • [ ] Make Pre-Work Template for each of the roles to help onboard new users Issues Created:

    • [ ] #1153
    • [ ] #1154
    • [ ] #1155 Timestamp: 31:40
  • [ ] Think about how to use money, important for donors, not launch critical

    • [x] Issue previously created #1134
    • [ ] Example: Hosting, Marketing, Getting people to join the index Timestamp: 39:31

smsada avatar Jan 25 '22 05:01 smsada

Recording 2 Issues

  • [ ] Issue Created #1143
    • Duplicate links that go to the same place make it confusing. Just keep the button
    • Think about the purpose and when it makes sense to have multiple linked words (ex. case where they go to different websites, then the button becomes the more important link)
Duplicate links on the current page


Timestamp: 1:27

  • [ ] External links use the icon shown below, make sure the icon exists on the "Become a Volunteer" button and on other pages

    • Issue Created #1144
    • [ ] Important for accessibility
    • [ ] Icon doesn't need to exist on the Become a Volunteer button if there can be a work around
      • This becomes an issue of Design and can be referenced to Chali Timestamp: 1:27
  • [ ] Add paragraph to top of "Radical Collaboration" Page [linked issue]

    • [ ] Bonnie is making write-up of what Radical Collaboration is
    • [ ] Review with bonnie current language on page
    • Previous copy #1079
    • Previous Issue addressing this #1082 Timestamp: 4:08
  • [ ] Give examples of search

    • [x] Review New Issue #1145
    • It is unclear of what to search for or how the search bar functions
      • Example: "Search CTI using tags like Food, Climate, Etc."
      • Could potentially link to Taxonomy Resource (linked below) to show project index taxonomy (potential solution for MVP)
      • Search page Timestamp: 4:48
  • [ ] Add Taxonomy Resource to "How to Add Your Project" Page

    • [x] Review new Issue Created #1146
    • Under "2." to reference the taxonomy as a way to find tags
      • [x] Review how to open get to here with Bonnie
    • [ ] Post MVP Issue: consume CFA's API to display taxonomy in a user friendly way
      • [ ] Review new Issue Created #1148
  • Note: Taxonomy Resource

  • [ ] Discuss as PMs whether to host Taxonomy and wrap into CTI project

    • Added to #856 Timestamp: 8:35
  • [ ] Back button in search should take you back to the same spot #1081

    • [ ] Implement a back to results button on the page
    • [ ] Alternatively save state changes in the URL so the back button applies all filters Timestamp: 10:20

smsada avatar Jan 25 '22 19:01 smsada

Recording 3 Issues - FAQ Issue #1066

  • [x] FAQ: What if I can't find my project's repository link on GitHub?
Bonnie's Notes
  • Doesn't make sense that Github link isn't available on the internet
  • "What if I Can't find the organization I am affiliated with?" Makes more sense as the question being answered
  • Mixed up answer with the question
  • Actions taken:

    • Added a comment to FAQ issue https://github.com/civictechindex/CTI-website-frontend/issues/1066#issuecomment-1021573191
  • [x] Review FAQ: What is CTI? -> User testing at #1130

Bonnie's Notes
- do we actually need that link in the paragraph and why? It might be taking people away from the page when we don't want that
- Second sentence is worded awkwardly and overlapping technologies/disciplines doesn't make sense
- Change to reduces over lapping work
- Reword who sentence
  • Actions taken:

    • It got reworded and it's fine or launch, but make an issue to user test it in the meantime with people outside of our project to see if it provides enough information
  • [ ] FAQ: Who are index contributors?

    • Dependent on Issue #1042
    • [ ] Review New Issue Created #1133
    • [ ] Needs to go to link where "index contributors" toggle box is checked Timestamp: 3:37
  • [x] FAQ: What if there are no current topic tags on my project repository?

    • [x] change "by following this link" to "by using our tag generator"
    • [x] Then link to the CTI tag generator Timestamp: 4:04
  • [x] FAQ: Can I add multiple projects

    • [x] change to "You can use our CTI tag generator as many times as needed"
    • [x] Then link to the CTI tag generator Timestamp: 4:30
  • [x] FAQ: What is the difference between affiliated and unaffiliated contributors

    • [ ] Link "Unaffiliated organizations" text to search page with unaffiliated organizations filtered
    • [ ] Link "affiliated organizations" text to search page with affiliated organizations filtered Timestamp: 4:40
  • [ ] FAQ: Can I change the organization my project is listed under?

    • [x] New Issue Created #1132
    • [ ] Say "Or use the tag generator" and link the tag generator
    • [ ] Can use the word wizard, but decide between Civic Tech tag generator, tag generator, and tag generator wizard (sounds fun/lighthearted) and keep consistency
    • [ ] Change wording of this sentence
      • from: After you’ve done so add the new organization’s topic tag.
      • to: Once the old organization tag has been removed, add the new organization's topic tag. Timestamp: 6:20
  • [x] FAQ: How do I add my organization to CTI?

    • [x] Should say "please use the taggenerator" Timestamp: 7:08
  • [x] FAQ: How do I add my project to CTI?

    • [x] Offer 3 options
      • [ ] Overview on how it works-> Slides on About page
      • [ ] One page overview on adding project pages-> How to add project page tutorial
      • [ ] If you want a guided tutorial -> See tech generator wizard
      • [ ] Change the wording of this sentence
        • from: one-page overview of adding topic tags
        • to: one-page overview: How to Add Your Project Timestamp: 7:37
  • [x] FAQ: How do I add tags to my project's repository?

    • [x] Link tag generator text to tag generator instead of using word here
      • Philosophy behind this is to enforce our existing navigation and self help in the future Timestamp: 9:02
  • [ ] FAQ: How do I make a donation?

    • [x] Review New issue #1134
    • [ ] Saying something about what we need it for
    • [ ] Link to donate page
    • [ ] Add "Your donation helps us with Hosting and Marketing Costs."
    • Good to reference HFLA Donate page Timestamp: 9:56
  • [ ] FAQ: How do I add my project to CTI?

    • [ ] Review Issue Created: #1141
    • [ ] Link isn't correct, link goes to page then you need to click through options before finding the hyperlinked text (see how this currently looks now below)
    • [ ] Link to this page: http://civictechindex.org/join-index?orgName=&tagsToAdd=civictechindex&value=yes
    • [ ] Change out the answer for the following (and link to the Tag Generator page specified above).
      • When you use the Tag Generator, you can submit the name of your organization and its details
      • Organization Detail (Organization Email, Name, Parent Organization, Website URL, GitHub Org URL, Organization Preferred GitHub Tag)
The page that it should be linked to


Timestamp: 11:09

  • [ ] FAQ: If I want to add additional tags?

    • [x] Change to Can I add additional topic tags to my project repository?
    • [x] Say "using the tag generator" instead of "Using the link"
    • [ ] Change the comma after yes to an Exclamation and Capitalize the Y in you so that it says Yes! You can add more topic tags to your project’s repository by using our tag generator.
    • [ ] Change "It is encouraged" with We highly encourage you Timestamp: 13:27
  • [ ] FAQ: Where do I find topic tags?

    • [ ] change the word "link" and where it links to be linked to http://civictechindex.org/join-index/how-to-add and use the words refer to our How to Add your Project
    • [ ] Make a new issue to discuss with Bruce, that the FAQ also needs to have the ability to retain state so that if someone clicks on a link in the FAQ and it does not give them what they want, that they can get back to the question they were just on. Timestamp: 15:34
  • [ ] Add FAQ: What are topic tags?

    • [x] Created Issue #1142
    • [ ] Replace wording with the following keeping the link to the source page on the word GitHub
      • Github's description of the purpose of topic tags: "To help other people find and contribute to your project. You can add topics to your repository related to your project’s intended purpose, subject area, affinity groups, or other important qualities." Timestamp: 18:25
  • [x] Make new issue to rethink language for Nav bar options. #1131

    • Important to maintain consistency throughout the website and to be clear about the purpose of the pages
  • [x] Make issue for Post-MVP to audit the FAQs and website as a whole to confirm naming consistency for the Nav items

    • [x] New issue https://github.com/civictechindex/CTI-website-frontend/issues/1135

smsada avatar Jan 25 '22 19:01 smsada

~@smsada Add this to our Project Board~ Moved to PM/Org Agenda

Team Links

ExperimentsInHonesty avatar Jan 25 '22 20:01 ExperimentsInHonesty

The latest recording made early may 2022 is in this recordings 4 folder

ExperimentsInHonesty avatar May 10 '22 01:05 ExperimentsInHonesty