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Update team on hack for LA site

Open ladissi opened this issue 3 years ago • 9 comments


We need to keep the hack for LA website updated with our team info, so that new volunteers can connect with our team members and potential employers can see you are actually on the team.

Action Items

  • [x] Update roster
  • [x] Make a list of everyone that needs to be removed (Name only)
  • [x] Make a list of everyone to add and gather the info using the template per person
  • [x] open an issue on the hackforla.org website repo to update team details
    • [x] Add link to this issue with current issue on website team.
    • [x] Add to PM agenda, and let Bonnie know in next pm meeting or any team meeting she drops by.
  • [ ] After Bonnie has prioritized the issue, move the issue into the questions and review column and keep on the agenda for updates until it is closed.
  • [ ] Once closed, add dependency label to this issue, add a date a month from website team completion and put in the icebox.


  • Roster
  • Issue made on HackforLA project board.
  • HFLA Issue https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/2728


 - name: 
      slack: 'https://hackforla.slack.com/team/____________'
      github: 'https://github.com/________'
    picture: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/________   

The blanks are for

  1. Slack ID 2 and 3. Github Handle

ladissi avatar Nov 14 '21 06:11 ladissi

Here's the spreadsheet with active roster. Just need to give to Bonnie.

kevindphan avatar Dec 13 '21 23:12 kevindphan

Issue made on HackforLA project board.

kevindphan avatar Jan 31 '22 04:01 kevindphan

  • name: Bonnie Wolfe role: Portfolio Owner links: slack: 'https://hackforla.slack.com/team/UE1UG1YFP' github: 'https://github.com/ExperimentsInHonesty' picture: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/ExperimentsInHonesty
  • name: Sean Sada role: Product Manager links: slack: 'https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U016XE06ZS5' github: 'https://github.com/smsada' picture: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/smsada
  • name: Kevin Phan role: Product Manager links: slack: 'https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U02B90U9FPS' github: 'https://github.com/kevindphan' picture: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/kevindphan
  • name: Cynthia Kiser role: Architectural Advisor links: slack: 'https://hackforla.slack.com/team/USBB18YDR' github: 'https://github.com/cnk' picture: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/cnk
  • name: Dennis Chatkhan role: Front End Developer links: slack: 'https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U01B4S459CZ' github: 'https://github.com/mealthebear' picture: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/mealthebear
  • name: Nandana Rao role: Full Stack Developer links: slack: 'https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U013JA9H62E' github: 'https://github.com/nrrao' picture: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/nrrao
  • name: Emerson Castaneda role: links: slack: 'https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U01CSPAFEBV' github: 'https://github.com/emecas' picture: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/emecas
  • name: Chali Prasertsri role: UX Lead links: slack: 'https://hackforla.slack.com/team/USLBE6X4M' github: 'https://github.com/chalimar' picture: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/chalimar
  • name: Farzana Prianka role: UX Designer links: slack: 'https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U01FUP87W3U' github: 'https://github.com/FarzanaPrianka' picture: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/FarzanaPrianka
  • name: Bruce Lai role: Full Stack Developer links: slack: 'https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U01NT0K7XC6' github: 'https://github.com/bruceplai' picture: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/bruceplai
  • name: Bhaggyalakshmi role: Full Stack Developer links: slack: 'https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U01R30YR26L' github: 'https://github.com/bhaggya' picture: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/bhaggya
  • name: Maxwell Countryman Skewes role: Front End Developer links: slack: 'https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U01R6RWQR3L' github: 'https://github.com/maxskewes' picture: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/maxskewes
  • name: Fang Liu role: Back End Developer links: slack: 'https://hackforla.slack.com/team/UBN3PDR42' github: 'https://github.com/fyliu' picture: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/fyliu

smsada avatar Feb 01 '22 00:02 smsada

  • @kevindphan I see that you opened the issue on the hackforla website repo, but the instructions were not followed completely. Please go to that issue https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/2728 and provide the additional feedback required. So for instance: in the list on the issue the technologies check box is not checked (which would mean you were providing changes). Currently the technologies are listed on the website as

Technologies: React, Django, PostgreSQL, ESLint, Code Climate, Cypress. Is that still correct? You can find all the details

You can see those on the hfla website on the Civic Tech Index project page

  • [ ] Civic Tech Index Team Leadership
    • [ ] Please check off everything that is ok the way that it is, and if not, please provide the updated information in the comments below:
      • [x] title
      • [x] description
      • [x] image ...
      • [ ] technologies
      • [ ] partner
      • [ ] tools
      • [ ] status

Because you don't have write access to the repo, you will need to do it as a new comment below the current text. Use this to copy and paste a new comment so you can update

### Action Items

- [ ] Civic Tech Index Team Leadership
   - [ ] Please check off everything that is ok the way that it is, and if not, please provide the updated information in the comments below:
      - [x] title
      - [x] description
      - [x] image
      - [ ] leadership
         - [ ] Name
         - [ ] GitHub hand
         - [ ] Role
         - [ ] SLACK ID
      - [ ] links
         - [ ] Github
         - [ ] Slack
         - [ ] Test Site
         - [ ] Demo Site
         - [ ] Site
      - [ ] technologies
      - [ ] partner
      - [ ] tools
      - [ ] status

@smsada you are assigned to this issue, so I am adding you to this comment

ExperimentsInHonesty avatar Feb 01 '22 19:02 ExperimentsInHonesty

@kevindphan @smsada The meeting times updates are handled by VRMS

You pasted this

Edit Meeting Times:

Please remove Wed 12:30-1:00PM Product Manager's meeting

Other meeting times are correct.

You will need to open a new issue at VRMS to update them: update meeting time template

ExperimentsInHonesty avatar Feb 01 '22 19:02 ExperimentsInHonesty

Add AWS to the tech stack, add Python to the languages

smsada avatar Feb 04 '22 02:02 smsada

~~Change who we are removing and adding. Remove the word draft when you are done.~~

Remove the following people: Levi Adissi Iffath Sultana Maria Studnicka Shipra Prakash Emily Marinaro

Add the following people:

  • name: Sean Sada role: Product Manager links: slack: https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U016XE06ZS5 github: https://github.com/smsada picture: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/smsada

  • name: Dennis Chatkhan role: Frontend Developer links: slack: https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U01B4S459CZ github: https://github.com/mealthebear picture: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/mealthebear

  • name: Nandana Rao role: Full Stack Developer links: slack: https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U013JA9H62E github: https://github.com/nrrao picture: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/nrrao

  • name: Briana Bennett role: Product Manager links: slack: 'https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U031BRKV59C' github: 'https://github.com/bribenn' picture: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/bribenn

  • name: Joyce Kim role: UI/UX Designer links: slack: 'https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U022B355CF2' github: 'https://github.com/joycekimdesigns' picture: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/joycekimdesigns

  • name: Adaeze Nwaezeigwe role: UI/UX Designer links: slack: 'https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U0336CC3T9B' github: 'https://github.com/AdaezeMN' picture: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/AdaezeMN

  • name: Ron Fu role: Full Stack Developer links: slack: 'https://hackforla.slack.com/team/UGWDHDF46' github: 'https://github.com/rfvisuals' picture: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/rfvisuals

  • name: Vance Dubberly role: Full Stack Developer links: slack: 'https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U0336CC3T9B' github: 'https://github.com/deserat' picture: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/deserat

  • name: Isaiah Ozadhe role: Full Stack Developer links: slack: 'https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U034X04V2H5' github: 'https://github.com/Tekkieware' picture: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/Tekkieware

ExperimentsInHonesty avatar Apr 03 '22 16:04 ExperimentsInHonesty

Hi @smsada. We (the website team) have updated the project info as specified. Please review that we made the changes requested. I realize that its now a little out of date, because you have new tech leads that are not identified that way... so if we accomplished what was asked in the ticket https://github.com/hackforla/website/issues/2728, please open a new ticket for additional changes. Otherwise let us know that 2728 is good, by adding a comment on the issue. Thanks!

ExperimentsInHonesty avatar May 12 '22 20:05 ExperimentsInHonesty

Updated changes 2022-06-09

Remove the following people: Joyce Kim Vance Dubberly Adaeze Nwaezeigwe

Add the following people:

  • name: Iffath Sultana
    • role: Product Manager
    • links:
    • slack: ‘https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U01JQ2V3NRZ
    • github: https://github.com/DrIffathsultana
    • picture: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/driffathsultana

Update the following people:

  • name: Bhaggyalakshmi role: Full Stack Developer and Tech Lead links: slack: 'https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U01R30YR26L' github: 'https://github.com/bhaggya' picture: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/bhaggya
  • name: Maxwell Countryman Skewes role: Front End Developer and Tech Lead links: slack: 'https://hackforla.slack.com/team/U01R6RWQR3L' github: 'https://github.com/maxskewes' picture: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/maxskewes

smsada avatar Jun 09 '22 19:06 smsada