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CityJSON/io: Python CLI to process and manipulate CityJSON files
cjio, or CityJSON/io
|License: MIT| |image1|
Python CLI to process and manipulate CityJSON <http://www.cityjson.org>
_ files.
The different operators can be chained to perform several processing operations in one step, the
CityJSON model goes through them and different versions of the CityJSON model can be saved as files along the pipeline.
cjio.readthedocs.io <https://cjio.readthedocs.io>
It uses Python 3.6+ only.
To install the latest release:
.. code:: console
pip install cjio
.. note:: The commands export
, triangulate
, reproject
, and validate
require extra packages
that are not install by default. You can install these packages by specifying the
commands for pip.
.. code:: console
pip install 'cjio[export,reproject,validate]'
To install the development branch, and still develop with it:
.. code:: console
git checkout develop
virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install --editable '.[develop]'
Note for Windows users
If your installation fails based on a pyproj or pyrsistent error there is a small hack to get around it.
Based on the python version you have installed you can download a wheel (binary of a python package) of the problem package/s.
A good website to use is here <https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs>
You then run:
.. code:: console
pip install [name of wheel file]
You can then continue with:
.. code:: console
pip install cjio
Supported CityJSON versions
The operators (cjio --version
) expect that your file is using the latest version CityJSON schema <https://www.cityjson.org/specs/overview/>
If your file uses an earlier version, you can upgrade it with the upgrade
operator: cjio old.json upgrade save newfile.city.json
Usage of the CLI
After installation, you have a small program called cjio
, to see its
.. code:: console
cjio --help
attribute_remove Remove an attribute.
attribute_rename Rename an attribute.
crs_assign Assign a (new) CRS (an EPSG).
crs_reproject Reproject to a new EPSG.
crs_translate Translate the coordinates.
export Export to another format.
info Output information about the dataset.
lod_filter Filter only one LoD for a dataset.
materials_remove Remove all materials.
merge Merge the current CityJSON with other ones.
metadata_create Add the +metadata-extended properties.
metadata_get Shows the metadata and +metadata-extended of this...
metadata_remove Remove the +metadata-extended properties.
metadata_update Update the +metadata-extended.
save Save to a CityJSON file.
subset Create a subset, City Objects can be selected by: (1)...
textures_locate Output the location of the texture files.
textures_remove Remove all textures.
textures_update Update the location of the texture files.
triangulate Triangulate every surface.
upgrade Upgrade the CityJSON to the latest version.
validate Validate the CityJSON: (1) against its schemas (2)...
vertices_clean Remove duplicate vertices + orphan vertices
Or see the command-specific help by calling --help
after a command:
.. code:: console
cjio subset --help
Usage: cjio subset [OPTIONS]
Create a subset, City Objects can be selected by: (1) IDs of City Objects;
(2) bbox; (3) City Object type; (4) randomly.
These can be combined, except random which overwrites others.
Option '--exclude' excludes the selected objects, or "reverse" the
--id TEXT The ID of the City Objects; can be used
multiple times.
--bbox FLOAT... 2D bbox: (minx miny maxx maxy).
--random INTEGER Number of random City Objects to select.
--cotype [Building|Bridge|Road|TransportSquare|LandUse|Railway|TINRelief|WaterBody|PlantCover|SolitaryVegetationObject|CityFurniture|GenericCityObject|Tunnel]
The City Object type
--exclude Excludes the selection, thus delete the
selected object(s).
--help Show this message and exit.
Pipelines of operators
The input 3D city model opened is passed through all the operators, and it gets modified by some operators.
Operators like info
and validate
output information in the console and just pass the 3D city model to the next operator.
.. code:: console
cjio example.city.json subset --id house12 remove_materials save out.city.json
cjio example.city.json remove_textures info
cjio example.city.json upgrade validate save new.city.json
cjio myfile.city.json merge '/home/elvis/temp/*.city.json' save all_merged.city.json
stdin and stdout
Starting from v0.8, cjio allows to read/write from stdin/stdout (standard input/output streams).
For reading, it accepts at this moment only CityJSONL (text sequences with CityJSONFeatures) <https://www.cityjson.org/specs/#text-sequences-and-streaming-with-cityjsonfeature>
Instead of putting the file name, stdin
must be used.
For writing, both CityJSON files and CityJSONL files <https://www.cityjson.org/specs/#text-sequences-and-streaming-with-cityjsonfeature>
_ can be piped to stdout.
Instead of putting the file name, stdout
must be used.
Also, the different operators of cjio output messages/information, and those will get in the stdout stream, to avoid this add the flat --suppress_msg
when reading the file, as shown below.
.. code:: console
cat myjsonlfile.txt | cjio --suppress_msg stdin remove_materials save stdout
cjio --suppress_msg myfile.city.json remove_materials export jsonl stdout | less
cat myfile.city.json | cjio --suppress_msg stdin crs_reproject 7415 export jsonl mystream.txt
Generating Binary glTF
Convert the CityJSON example.city.json
to a glb file
.. code:: console
cjio example.json export glb /home/elvis/gltfs
Convert the CityJSON example.city.json
to a glb file
.. code:: console
cjio example.city.json export glb /home/elvis/test.glb
Usage of the API
cjio.readthedocs.io/en/stable/tutorials.html <https://cjio.readthedocs.io/en/stable/tutorials.html>
If docker is the tool of your choice, please read the following hints.
To run cjio via docker simply call:
.. code:: console
docker run --rm -v <local path where your files are>:/data tudelft3d/cjio:latest cjio --help
To give a simple example for the following lets assume you want to create a geojson which represents the bounding boxes of the files in your directory. Lets call this script gridder.py. It would look like this:
.. code:: python
from cjio import cityjson
import glob
import ntpath
import json
import os
from shapely.geometry import box, mapping
def path_leaf(path):
head, tail = ntpath.split(path)
return tail or ntpath.basename(head)
files = glob.glob('./*.json')
geo_json_dict = {
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": []
for f in files:
cj_file = open(f, 'r')
cm = cityjson.reader(file=cj_file)
theinfo = json.loads(cm.get_info())
las_polygon = box(theinfo['bbox'][0], theinfo['bbox'][1], theinfo['bbox'][3], theinfo['bbox'][4])
feature = {
'properties': {
'name': path_leaf(f)
'geometry': mapping(las_polygon)
geo_json_dict["crs"] = {
"type": "name",
"properties": {
"name": "EPSG:{}".format(theinfo['epsg'])
geo_json_file = open(os.path.join('./', 'grid.json'), 'w+')
geo_json_file.write(json.dumps(geo_json_dict, indent=2))
This script will produce for all files with postfix ".json" in the directory a bbox polygon using cjio and save the complete geojson result in grid.json in place.
If you have a python script like this, simply put it inside your local data and call docker like this:
.. code:: console
docker run --rm -v <local path where your files are>:/data tudelft3d/cjio:latest python gridder.py
This will execute your script in the context of the python environment inside the docker image.
Example CityJSON datasets
There are a few example files on the CityJSON webpage <https://www.cityjson.org/datasets/>
Alternatively, any CityGML <https://www.ogc.org/standards/citygml>
_ file can be
automatically converted to CityJSON with the open-source project
citygml-tools <https://github.com/citygml4j/citygml-tools>
_ (based on
citygml4j <https://github.com/citygml4j/citygml4j>
The glTF exporter is adapted from Kavisha's
CityJSON2glTF <https://github.com/tudelft3d/CityJSON2glTF>
.. |License: MIT| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-yellow.svg :target: https://github.com/tudelft3d/cjio/blob/master/LICENSE .. |image1| image:: https://badge.fury.io/py/cjio.svg :target: https://pypi.org/project/cjio/