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Many databases, possibility to have different cron schémas?

Open mattbunter opened this issue 3 years ago • 3 comments

We have several databases in the same Postgres instance and we would like to 'split' them across crondb schemas, instead of having them all in the 'cron' schema. We tried creating a cron_test schema in crondb and using select * from cron_test.schedule but it didn't work.

ERROR: function cron_test.schedule(unknown, unknown, unknown) does not exist LINE 1: select cron_test.schedule('tester test schedule',' * * * * *...

Is there a quick and dirty work-around to this? We are doing to it 'secure' cron info between databases.

mattbunter avatar Sep 09 '21 15:09 mattbunter

+1 this is a must have

SebastienCaunes avatar Sep 14 '21 09:09 SebastienCaunes

We have several databases as well, is there a reason you must have separate cronjob tables?

In any case, here is our approach. We have this as part of our postgresql init script for the postgres database:

CREATE SCHEMA extensions;
CREATE EXTENSION dblink SCHEMA extensions;

GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA cron TO "${pg_user}";
GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION dblink_connect_u(text) TO "${pg_user}";
GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION dblink_connect_u(text, text) TO "${pg_user}";
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cron.our_cron_schedule(job_name name, schedule text, command text, database_name text) RETURNS bigint
    job_id bigint;
    SELECT cron.schedule(job_name, schedule, command) INTO job_id;
    UPDATE cron.job SET database = database_name WHERE jobid = job_id;
    RETURN job_id;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

In the individual databases we then just have a scheduling function that accesses this "superfunction":

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.pg_cron_schedule(job_name name, schedule text, command text)
 RETURNS bigint
 LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
    xsql TEXT;
    xsql_set_user TEXT;
    job_id BIGINT;
    dbname NAME;
    crondbname NAME;
    cronresult BIGINT;
    crondbname := 'dbname=postgres user=' || current_role || ' port=' || inet_server_port();
    PERFORM dblink_connect_u('cronconn',crondbname);
    SELECT current_database() INTO dbname;
    xsql := format('SELECT cron.our_cron_schedule(%L,%L,%L,%L);',job_name,schedule,command,dbname);
    EXECUTE 'SELECT * FROM dblink($1,$2,true) f(col1 BIGINT);'
      USING 'cronconn',xsql
      INTO cronresult;
    PERFORM dblink_disconnect('cronconn');
    RETURN cronresult;

zilti avatar Sep 20 '21 10:09 zilti

Worth noting that the function schedule_in_database in version 1.4 will remove the need for the update

Also, how are you authenticating with dblink_connect_u without a password?

citizenfish avatar Apr 26 '22 15:04 citizenfish