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Unknown scancode in rdpy-rssplayer
When replaying an RSS file with the rdpy-rssplayer, the keystrokes are displayed, but not all of them. Some are displayed as "
Is it the expected behavior ? How can I get the real key pressed (specifying the keyboard layout somewhere?) ?
In last resort how can I map those hexadecimal value to an actual character or key that was pressed ?
Thanks and keep up with the good job ! Regards, Arno
oups... part of my previous message was removed (doesn't like some characters).
Was meant to say, some keystroke are displayed as "unknown scancode xx"
You may want to edit your text and use markdown syntax (especially, you can use backquotes to protect and properly display code and program output).
Hello p-l-, I have the same issue and regarding you answer I dind't get what file I should edit and what exactly should be changed to solve the problem. Could you please explain this with more details? Regards, Andrew143413
Hello, Is there a way to extract hexadecimal key codes directly from .rss files? rdpy-rssplayer shows everything that was typed in lower case without register distinction and "Unknown scan code" for any digit ;( Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Guys dig into the code. You can add more scancodes in this file: https://github.com/citronneur/rdpy/blob/master/rdpy/core/scancode.py
SCANCODE_QWERTY = { 0x01 : "esc", 0x02 : "1", 0x03 : "2", 0x04 : "3", 0x05 : "4", 0x06 : "5", 0x07 : "6", 0x08 : "7", 0x09 : "8", 0x0a : "9", 0x0b : "0", 0x0c : "-", 0x0d : "=", 0x0e : "backspace", 0x0f : "tab", 0x10 : "q", 0x11 : "w", 0x12 : "e", 0x13 : "r", 0x14 : "t", 0x15 : "y", 0x16 : "u", 0x17 : "i", 0x18 : "o", 0x19 : "p", 0x1a : "[", 0x1b : "]", 0x1c : "enter", 0x1d : "left ctrl", 0x1d : "right ctrl", 0x1e : "a", 0x1f : "s", 0x20 : "d", 0x21 : "f", 0x22 : "g", 0x23 : "h", 0x24 : "j", 0x25 : "k", 0x26 : "l", 0x27 : ";", 0x28 : "0", 0x29 : "`", 0x2a : "left shift", 0x2b : "", 0x2c : "z", 0x2d : "x", 0x2e : "c", 0x2f : "v", 0x30 : "b", 0x31 : "n", 0x32 : "m", 0x33 : ",", 0x34 : ".", 0x35 : "/", 0x35 : "/(keypad)", 0x36 : "right shift", 0x37 : "*(keypad)", 0x37 : "print scrn", 0x38 : "left alt", 0x38 : "right alt", 0x39 : "space", 0x3a : "caps lock", 0x3b : "f1", 0x3c : "f2", 0x3d : "f3", 0x3e : "f4", 0x3f : "f5", 0x40 : "f6", 0x41 : "f7", 0x42 : "f8", 0x43 : "f9", 0x44 : "f10", 0x45 : "num lock", 0x46 : "scroll lock", 0x47 : "7(keypad)", 0x47 : "home", 0x48 : "8(keypad)", 0x48 : "up arrow", 0x49 : "9(keypad)", 0x49 : "pg up", 0x4b : "4(keypad)", 0x4b : "left arrow", 0x4c : "5(keypad)", 0x4d : "6(keypad)", 0x4d : "right arrow", 0x4f : "1(keypad)", 0x4f : "end", 0x50 : "2(keypad)", 0x50 : "down arrow", 0x51 : "3(keypad)", 0x51 : "pg down", 0x52 : "0(keypad)", 0x52 : "insert", 0x53 : ".(keypad)", 0x53 : "delete", 0x54 : "?", 0x55 : "?", 0x56 : "?", 0x57 : "f11", 0x58 : "f12", 0x59 : "?", 0x5a : "?", 0x5b : "left win", 0x5c : "right win", 0x5d : "menu key", 0x1d : "pause break", 0x45 : "" }