Pablo Cerda
Pablo Cerda
In order to evaluate if the planets concentration within specific zodiac sign tend to cause a given price effect (buy / sell) more frequently we need to compute the frequency...
In order to allow astro traders to judge the impact of planets in elements / qualities or zod sign concentration in price effect we need to include this data into...
Based on the Gadanta zones are defined as the following transitions: 1) The Vedic sign of Pisces to the Vedic sign of Aries (that’s around 23 Western Aries) 2)...
It looks like some aspects that are including in daily mundane aspects report with orb greater than 1 degree don't participate in the daily price effect moves so by estimating...
To ease the differentiation of aspects that are losing strength due to aspect separation is important to include another column "Stage" with the stage of the aspect "applicative" or "separative"...
Master W. D. Gann among other great financial astrologers noted that when some planets reach extreme declinations the effect of that planet is strengthen and apparently this have a significant...
The project root directory is growing as more processing tasks are added so in order to have better organisation of the reusable function will be great to group all in...
In order to avoid headache of contributors needing to install manually the different scripts packages I have considered that would be good to use a package manager similar to npm...
Similar to the longitude distance planets plots would be interesting to visualise the speed change cycles from all planets / asteroids considering that many financial astrologers suggest that retrograde motion...
Similar to the planets longitude distance plots should be interesting to visualise the cyclical patterns of declination moves so we can evaluate the possible correlation with price changes as many...