china-dictatorship copied to clipboard
新疆维吾尔再教育營迫害 视频照片 Xinjiang Uyghur re-education centers persecution videos and photos
新疆维吾尔族人在公共汽车上被迫流离失所 Forced displacement of Uyghurs from Xinjiang across China in busses (2020)
麥爾丹·阿巴的监狱视频 Merdan Ghappar's prison video 2020,
社会主义核心价值观,一定维护民族团结 Uyghur brainwashing: Socialist core values maintain ethnic harmony UNCONFIRMED
维吾尔人在拘留营唱着快乐的歌 Uyghurs singing a happy song at internment camp
2018年维吾尔族人在喀什营地打乒乓球跳快乐舞 Uyghurs playing ping pong and dancing a happy dance in a Kashgar camp in 2018 by Hu Xijin 胡锡进
伯干村 Bogancun, Xinjiang 诗书达理之山人刨作原声 Uyghur children marched with large bags UNCONFIRMED, @MaD DaN,
新疆老师打维族学生11个耳光 (建设美丽新疆 )Teacher in Xinjiang slaps Uyghur student on the face 11 times (UNCONFIRMED)
This video cannot be uploaded to YouTube because of their child safety community guidelines. It was automatically flagged, and my appeal was declined by a human. Basically it's bad for advertisers, and some politician might get sad. They prefer dictatorship to truth.
新疆维吾尔再教育營 Xinjiang re-education camps
Xinjiang Data Project screenshot of camp map 2021 jpg

Xinjiang camp in camp jpg

Uyghur playing guitar jpg

Xinjiang prisoners sitting identified jpeg

Dabancheng reeducation camp jpg

Artux city reeducation camp webp

Uyghur sale website jpg

Uyghur workers waving China flag jpg

Xinjiang cotton vs American plantation from 1908 jpg

Racism in the West vs China George Floyd vs Xinjiang jpg

Xinjiang I won jpeg
Blood Cotton Initiative by Wuheqilin holocaust denial jpg

Xinjiang outside reeducation camps
Xinjiang chained butcher knives jpg

Hi niaocaixiao,
388 stars, hahhh
To be honest, I really think that the blogger is so good, especially in the investigation of China's Xinjiang, I have never seen some people in this life, there are people who have talented people, and a few posts are inseparable from beautiful swearing.This fully reflects the author of your noble character.Oh, my gosh! You have made a great contribution to the peace of the world.I believe that every Chinese who knows the truth will thank you for exposure. If one day they can see the author, they guarantee that you can kiss your cheek with fists, so for the glory of the blogger,I suggest that bloggers can put more energy on writing programs, rather than talking.Don't let your wonderful speech tarnish the eyes of the Chinese people! More spectile, you are not enough for yours, you can't talk. If you don't talk, you will learn to shut up. I will not waste my time to pay attention to your reply.Stooges of decadent capitalism, puppets of the empire, shut your mouth is the benefit of all mankind!
老实说,我真的认为博客作者是如此出色,尤其是在对中国新疆进行调查时,我这一生中从未见过有人,有才华的人,有几篇帖子与美丽的誓言密不可分。这充分反映了您的高贵品格的作者。哦,天哪!您为世界和平作出了巨大贡献。我相信,每一个了解真相的中国人都会感谢您的光临。如果有一天他们可以看到作者,他们保证您可以用拳头亲吻您的脸颊,因此,为了博主的荣耀,我建议博主可以将更多精力投入到编写程序上,而不是闲聊。演讲污了中国人民的眼睛!更加夸张的是,您不够您的能力,您不会说话。如果你不说话 您将学会闭嘴。我不会浪费我的时间来关注您的答复。capital废的资本主义,帝国的伪装,闭上嘴是全人类的福祉!
Hi jackyang27,
388 stars, hahhh
Hi zhysgit
To be honest, I really think that the blogger is so good, especially in the investigation of China's Xinjiang, I have never seen some people in this life, there are people who have talented people, and a few posts are inseparable from beautiful swearing.This fully reflects the author of your noble character.Oh, my gosh! You have made a great contribution to the peace of the world.I believe that every Chinese who knows the truth will thank you for exposure. If one day they can see the author, they guarantee that you can kiss your cheek with fists, so for the glory of the blogger,I suggest that bloggers can put more energy on writing programs, rather than talking.Don't let your wonderful speech tarnish the eyes of the Chinese people! More spectile, you are not enough for yours, you can't talk. If you don't talk, you will learn to shut up. I will not waste my time to pay attention to your reply.Stooges of decadent capitalism, puppets of the empire, shut your mouth is the benefit of all mankind!
老实说,我真的认为博客作者是如此出色,尤其是在对中国新疆进行调查时,我这一生中从未见过有人,有才华的人,有几篇帖子与美丽的誓言密不可分。这充分反映了您的高贵品格的作者。哦,天哪!您为世界和平作出了巨大贡献。我相信,每一个了解真相的中国人都会感谢您的光临。如果有一天他们可以看到作者,他们保证您可以用拳头亲吻您的脸颊,因此,为了博主的荣耀,我建议博主可以将更多精力投入到编写程序上,而不是闲聊。演讲污了中国人民的眼睛!更加夸张的是,您不够您的能力,您不会说话。如果你不说话 您将学会闭嘴。我不会浪费我的时间来关注您的答复。capital废的资本主义,帝国的伪装,闭上嘴是全人类的福祉!
"新疆维吾尔族人在公共汽车上被迫流离失所 "??? 提供就业岗位怎么变成被迫流离失所???How China's job offer turned into forced displacement of people in Xinjiang??? 就你马离谱
🤕的台哇,也就只能在你美国爸爸提供的网站上 高这些不入流的东西 傻逼玩意儿,
Hi flywithbug,
🤕的台哇,也就只能在你美国爸爸提供的网站上 高这些不入流的东西 傻逼玩意儿,
Putin Trump kiss jpg

Eight treasture congee jpg

Li Hongzhi Buddha jpg

Artux city reeducation camp webp

Wumao 2011 vs Little Pink 2021 jpg

Immoral and uneducated en jpg

Four gentlemen jpg

Holocaust denial cartoon by Francoise Pichard jpg

Taiwan we are China cartoon jpg

Immoral and uneducated jpg

Police steps over Falun Gong believer s face in 2000 at Tiananmen jpg

Xi Jiang Hu jpg

Caonima jpg

Xi Apple jpg

Li Wenliang COVID barbed wire mark by Kuang Biao jpg

Jack Ma Winnie the Pooh and That Rabbit splitting cookies jpg

Li Hongzhi dubstep webp

Tiananmen Shuili Hospital dead jpg

Sunflower seeds guazi jpg

Anonymous middle fingers jpg

Putin shark png

709 lawyers jpg

Falun Gong Guangzhou jpg

Uphold science jpg

Falun Gong sky leaflet jpg

Xi Pooh car jpg

Xi bat jpg

Shut up and take my freedom jpg

Nikolai Yezhov Stalin canal edit webp

Tiananmen students sitting jpg

Hi Sherlockcxk,
Xi Apple jpg

Tiananmen sculpt goddess webp

Holocaust denial cartoon vs Palestine jpg

Li Hongzhi with wife and daughter jpg

Caonima jpg

Xi sadomasochist jpg

Mao swim wave jpg

XKCD 937 tornado guard png

Xi Jinping The Governance of China photo jpg

Putin horse jpg

Falun Gong magic fungi jpg

Jiang Zemin nose picking jpg

We cant complain zh jpg

Pu Zhiqiang tshirt jpg

Liu Shihui tshirt jpg

Anonymous middle fingers jpg

Dabancheng reeducation camp jpg

Liu Keqing singer Xi lookalike jpeg

How to report an user on GitHub png

Li Hongzhi Buddha jpg

Zhong gong blue jpg

Addicted bed jpg

Umbrella movement icon png

Baidu Baike Badminton World Federation censored 1995 1997 wins by Ye Zhaoying wife of Hao Haidong png

Hong Kong 97 cover jpg

Holocaust denial cartoon by Francoise Pichard jpg

Zhuan Falun jpg

Scarfolk lose face jpg

Tank Man jpg

Jingjing Chacha Beijing jpg

Hi Sherlockcxk,
Putin dinosaur webp

Mantou Xi lookalike jpg

Apple China flag png

Navalny hospital sitting jpg

Xi scout salute vs Hitler Youth salute jpg

What Chinese men really want jpg

Tank Man drawing censored by Ciro Santilli CC BY SA png

Yue Xin Jasic shirt jpg

Falun Gong sky leaflet jpg

Chrysanthemum Xi jpeg

Huawei why does the whole world hate me jpeg

Shit jpg

Gay Putin jpg

Zhong gong blue jpg

Guantanamo bay protest London 2008 jpg

Xi Jinping The Governance of China photo jpg

Nazi book burning vs Falun Gong book destruction jpg

Free speech umbrella jpg

China USB theft jpg

Anonymous middle fingers jpg

Zhong Gong lotus jpg

Shut up and take my freedom zh jpg

Mao coffin jpeg

Please enjoy this politically correct cartoon jpg

Tiananmen students sitting jpg

Ciro Santilli LinkedIn China ban png

Snowden jpg

Jingjing jpg

Li Hongzhi jpg

Xi pole jpg

作者很厉害,没鸡吧还能写出这种狗屎 我草泥马
Hi Sherlockcxk,
作者很厉害,没鸡吧还能写出这种狗屎 我草泥马
Pope CCP deal jpeg

Jiang Zemin magnify jpg

Quan Ping tshirt jpg

Sunflower seeds guazi jpg

Lego Tank Man png

Xi pole jpg

Like shitposts jpg

Taihu church Christmas reveillon permission 2020 jpg

Amesys jpg

Falun Gong magic fungi jpg

Chrysanthemum Xi Jinping with black red liusi added by Ciro Santilli jpg

Google funeral webp

Fan sao guang jpg

Rugae vaginales with black hole jpg

Xi scout salute vs Hitler Youth salute jpg

Putin dinosaur webp

Tank Man FF6 jpg

Xi Jinping heart jpeg

Tiananmen sea jpg

Addicted bed jpg

Wumao 2011 vs Little Pink 2021 jpg

Putin meteor webp

Stalin bitch please jpg

China imperialism cartoon jpg

Stop interfering in China s internal affairs bread jpg

Eight treasture congee jpg

Xi Jinping Mao Zedong sculpture souvenirs jpg

Church demolition jpg

Tiananmen bicycle bridge jpg

Xi sleep Mao jpg

你真tm闲 傻屌
Hi a1768794903,
你真tm闲 傻屌
Police steps over Falun Gong believer s face in 2000 at Tiananmen jpg

Tiananmen sea jpg

PLA soldier breaking bricks on head jpg

Pokemon political meme little pink super effective png

Os problemas da imprensa livre jpg

Hitler angry rehearsal jpg

Tiananmen students sitting jpg

Thai king prostrated wife jpg

Scarfolk public displays of personal distress are unpatriotic jpg

Putin shark png

Huawei Statue of Liberty jpeg

Tiananmen crushed dead jpg

Xi Pooh Photoshop webp

Nazi book burning jpg

Xi Jinping thought halo jpg

Tiananmen Shuili Hospital dead jpg

China imperialism cartoon jpg

Chinese character extreme svg
Baidu Baike Badminton World Federation censored 1995 1997 wins by Ye Zhaoying wife of Hao Haidong png

Tiananmen sculpt goddess webp

Umbrella movement icon png

Falun Gong Chengdu jpg

Xi Nazi car salute photoshop jpg

Tank Man new longshot Stuart Franklin jpg

Red army school jpg

Jiang Zemin emoticons montage png

Pokemon political meme little pink super effective zh png

Zhong Gong lotus jpg

Hitler youth salute webp

Nobody can hear you gif

Hi cc963020001,
Xi Jinping The Governance of China photo jpg

Chinese typewriter jpg

Hitler angry rehearsal jpg

Chinese character extreme svg
Huawei 5G Trojan jpg

Xinjiang cotton vs American plantation from 1908 jpg

Rugae vaginales with black hole jpg

Jingjing Chacha Shenzhen police jpg

Falun Gong street preaching 2016 London jpg

Holocaust denial cartoon by Francoise Pichard jpg

Jiang Zemin nose picking jpg

Church demolition jpg

Xi Abe Pooh webp

Howey Ou 2019 jpg

Apple China flag png

I need to talk to a human rights lawyer jpg

Tiananmen bicycle bridge jpg

Sweet brown chinese characters meme zh jpg

Four gentlemen jpg

Hao Haidong kick jpg

Xi Nazi car salute photoshop jpg

Immoral and uneducated jpg

Hitler youth salute webp

Huawei why does the whole world hate me jpeg

Yue Xin Jasic shirt jpg

Chrysanthemum Xi jpeg

CCP Olympic medal 2020 vs COVID death counts jpg

TECRO Washington jpg

Xi Pooh Obama webp

Navalny hospital sitting jpg

Hi coolcloud520,
Go to the bloody HELL! We do not need you to judge! Go fuck yourself! Get fuck off of GitHub!
Li Hongzhi stone garden jpg

3 6 Roentgen jpg

Xi Jinping photoshopped as The Joker jpg

Rebel pepper jpg

Rugae vaginales with black hole jpg

Caonima jpg

Xi Nazi war flag jpg

Malchenko no Malchenko jpg

Li Hongzhi lotus jpg

Covid gag mask jpg

Thai king crop top jpg

Jiang Zemin emoticons montage png

Fermented bean curd furu jpg

We cant complain jpg

Zoom Boris jpg

Xi Jinping vs Li Hongzhi prophet pictures jpg

Scarfolk children the cause of crime jpg

Liu Keqing singer Xi lookalike jpeg

Mao Zedong in Yanan jpg

Programthink jpg

Mantou Xi lookalike jpg

Xi Jinping heart jpeg

Holocaust denial cartoon vs Palestine jpg

Stalin bitch please jpg

Jiang Zemin frog jpg

Six Fortune broad bean jpg

Apple Daily raid webp

Zhong Gong lotus jpg

Apple China flag png

12377 report procedure april 2021 png

Hi ipfgao,
French Nazi SS poster 1942 jpg

Skripal perfume jpg

Someone is wrong on the Internet png

Hitler youth salute webp

Qatar web censorship page jpg

Yue Xin Jasic shirt jpg

Tank Man new longshot Stuart Franklin jpg

Chinese typewriter jpg

Li Hongzhi blue jpg

Tiananmen sculpt goddess webp

Silence is violence jpg

Qelbinur Sedik call with cop jpg

Xi Jinping Mao Zedong sculpture souvenirs jpg

We don t hire blacks by Aaron DeWitt 2020 jpg

Apple Daily raid webp

Police steps over Falun Gong believer s face in 2000 at Tiananmen jpg

Xi Pooh Photoshop webp

Xinjiang Data Project screenshot of camp map 2021 jpg

Mao Zedong in Yanan jpg

Stop interfering in China s internal affairs bread jpg

Moscow-Minsk friendship mural girl with barbed wire jpg

O Estado de Sao Paulo newspaper censorship Lusiadas 1974 jpg

Xi sleep Mao jpg

Tiananmen cute girls jpg

Huawei why does the whole world hate me jpeg

Immoral and uneducated en jpg

Hao Haidong kick jpg

When you send a good joke from your Huawei phone jpg

Mao swim wave jpg

Core socialist values near Jianguomen metro station 2021 jpg

Hey, son of bitch, go suck your american dad's dick.
Hi jestyf,
Hey, son of bitch, go suck your american dad's dick.
Thai king prostrated officers jpg

Xi Jinping thought halo jpg

We don t hire blacks by Aaron DeWitt 2020 jpg

Hitler youth salute webp

Thai king prostrated wife jpg

Falun Gong road roller book destruction jpg

Zhuan Falun 2010s English vs Chinese jpg

Google funeral webp

TECRO Washington jpg

Scarfolk public displays of personal distress are unpatriotic jpg

Xi Jinping heart jpeg

Gay Putin with Gay Medvedev jpg

GitHub Programthink Zhao issue 38 China geoscreenshot 2020 09 31 png

Xi Pooh car jpg

Jingjing Chacha angry jpg

Huawei Statue of Liberty jpeg

Fermented bean curd furu jpg

Tank Man drawing by Ciro Santilli CC BY SA png

What Chinese men really want jpg

Taiwan White House jpg

Yuyuan garden door jpg

Mei with Hong kong jpg

Li Wenliang covid jpg

Xi Jinping portrait 2012 jpg

Li Hongzhi stone garden jpg

Malchenko no Malchenko jpg

Covid gag mask jpg

Ciro Santilli with a stone carved Budai in the Feilai Feng caves near the Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou in 2012 jpg

Tank Man jpg

Xi Apple jpg

Do you really understand Chinese? 蛙蛙人,真不巧中国让你长了一张支那人的嘴脸,你一定很恨自己吧,你家里一定没镜子吧,看到自己痛苦吗?快回去看看你那作为慰安妇的母亲还是否健在吧
Hi jestyf,
Do you really understand Chinese? 蛙蛙人,真不巧中国让你长了一张支那人的嘴脸,你一定很恨自己吧,你家里一定没镜子吧,看到自己痛苦吗?快回去看看你那作为慰安妇的母亲还是否健在吧
Xinjiang prisoners march jpg

Falun Gong lady silenced jpg

Tiananmen announce soldiers webp

PLA soldier breaking bricks on head jpg

TECRO Washington jpg

Xi sadomasochist jpg

Qatar web censorship page jpg

Moscow-Minsk friendship mural girl with barbed wire jpg

Xi Jinping The Governance of China jpg

Four gentlemen jpg

Scarfolk lose face jpg

Mao coffin jpeg

Social Media as Weapons webp

Laoganma jpg

Hitler has only got one ball jpg

Red army school jpg

Thai king crop top jpg

Tiananmen students sitting jpg

12321 report procedure april 2021 png

Hitler youth salute webp

Xi Jinping Mao Zedong sculpture souvenirs jpg

Uyghur workers waving China flag jpg

Xinjiang camp in camp jpg

Xi Apple jpg

Lego Tank Man png

Jingjing Chacha Beijing jpg

Li Wenliang COVID barbed wire mark by Kuang Biao jpg

Taiwan we are China cartoon jpg

Tiananmen troop truck night jpg

Wumao 2011 vs Little Pink 2021 jpg

Hi hujiujiu,
Tiananmen sea jpg

CCP terrorism Taliban vs Chinese citizens jpg

3 6 Roentgen jpg

Jin ping mei jpg

Tiananmen cute girls jpg

Apple China flag png

Skripal perfume jpg

Kin no unko jpg

Hitler has only got one ball jpg

Huawei 5G my precious jpg

Chinese character extreme svg
Xi sleep Mao jpg

Taiwan we are China cartoon jpg

Falun Gong magic fungi jpg

Jingjing Chacha angry jpg

Tank Man ground level jpg

Jingjing jpg

That Rabbit cute jpg

Silence is violence jpg

Nazi book burning jpg

Core socialist values near Jianguomen metro station 2021 jpg

Holocaust denial cartoon by Francoise Pichard jpg

Gay Putin jpg

Shut up and take my freedom zh jpg

Church demolition jpg

Xi raised fist jpg

Thai king prostrated officers jpg

Jiang Zemin frog jpg

PLA soldier breaking bricks on head jpg

Mao Zedong in Yanan jpg

🤕的台哇,也就只能在你美国爸爸提供的网站上 高这些不入流的东西 傻逼玩意儿,