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Can't figure out how Spread Splitter works
Hello everybody,
Kindle Comic Converter 5.5.2
I've converted several cbr/cbz to .mobi thanks to this very helpful program. But I can't manage to make spread splitter work. In the generated mobi files, the double-pages are always two single pages even when I fully check the box.
The only time it "worked" was because the double page was litterally two pages on one jpg.
I'm not sure what I'm missing here therefore I need help. Thanks Maybe I just misunderstood the intent of this feature and instead of gathering two pages two be full, it's rather splitting a full-width double-page in two single pages ?
For instance, here is a "double-page" not displaying as a spread.
The only time it "worked" was because the double page was litterally two pages on one jpg.
I'm not sure what I'm missing here therefore I need help. Thanks Maybe I just misunderstood the intent of this feature and instead of gathering two pages two be full, it's rather splitting a full-width double-page in two single pages ?
It's page splitting, not page gathering :wink: It takes a jpg containing 2 pages (width > height) and splits it and/or rotates it
C'est du fractionnement de pages, pas du regroupement de pages :wink: Il prend un jpg contenant 2 pages (largeur > hauteur) et le divise et/ou le fait pivoter
Double page parsing mode.
0: Split
1: Rotate
2: Both
see/voir https://github.com/ciromattia/kcc/blob/4ec4c9966c727d6dac44507d34607bd7d2c5ed5c/kindlecomicconverter/image.py#L120
Haha yes, I should have guessed that. So I should rather find a way to combine two pages in order to create a full-width spread. Maybe you know some way to do so ?
But I'm not even sure I want to recreate my generated .mobi from my cbz files. It's not even that uncomfortable to not have a full-width spread in the end
(Merci pour la traduction en français ^^)
Un exemple en python. Mais comme tu dis, je ne sais pas si ça a vraiment un intérêt.
Merci bien ! J'irai regarder par curiosité, voire même reprendre certains cbz pour essayer :)
@Nurovek je ferme le ticket rouvrir si nécessaire