Cynthia Rodriguez
Cynthia Rodriguez
@kescobo Thank you for your help! Therefore, based on your comment and [blogs]( with related issues, I should install Metaphlan again but adding the tbb=2020.2 flag to it as follows:...
Thank you for your quick and helpful reply. I activated my conda mpa environment where Metaphlan was installed, and then I did $ conda install tbb=2020.2. After this the bowtie2...
Dear @kescobo, Unfortunately, it did not run successfully Seems that bowtie is still the problem... any clue on what is going wrong now? When I submit the same code as...
Hello, I am also trying to build my own database, I was just curious how can you convert the .gff file into the .genes file, is it just by renaming...
Dear @palomo11 Thank you so much for your help! I tried the code you kindly shared with me but I got the following error: "sed: 1: "8_1C_n2-B.animalis_P19_ ...": invalid command...
Dear @palomo11 , Thank you so much for your help! I was able to obtain a ".genes" file that is not empty, but I still get an error at the...
Hello! I just wanted to post an update for those struggling to make a ".genes" file. I was able to convert a .gff file obtained from Prodigal to a .genes...
Hello! I am encountering the same issue, but since I am using a High Performance Computing cluster from my institution I do not have the permissions to change the files....