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Support for the `ANY` operator?
Thanks for the fantastic library, I have been enjoying using it to adapt a bunch of code from handrolled SQL via postgresql-simple
I have a SQL query that does something like WHERE a = ANY(as)
where as
is an array (uuid[]
in this case) and a
is an element, but I've not been able to figure out how to represent that in rel8
(or if it's possible at present).
let a :: Expr a = ...
row@MyRow{as} <- someQuery -- as :: Expr (Vector a)
as <$ where_ (a `in_` as)
I obviously can't do that, as the types are wrong for in_
, so I think I either need some way of writing a ==. any_ as
(ideally that lowers to actual use of ANY
, I suppose), or I need to do the equivalent thing via some other means.
Any insight is appreciated; I'm likely missing something obvious.
As per I think you might be ok with
any_ :: Expr [a] -> Expr a
any_ = dbFunction "any"
Then you would write
where_ $ uuid ==. any_ uuids
any_ :: Expr [a] -> Expr a any_ = function "any"
Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to work (and I'm not familiar enough with the instances yet to grok what it's complaining about yet), at least not in
• No instance for (DBType
(rel8- a) a))
arising from a use of ‘function’
• In the expression: function "any"
In an equation for ‘any_’: any_ = function "any"
I'll give it a shot on just in case.
Try sticking a DBType a =>
at the start?
That worked, but it looks like the generated SQL is invalid; I believe because how the cast is being applied? An expression like u ==. any_ us
renders as
((CAST(E'94692290-05a2-2f1f-9e26-f31cea05c7c2' AS uuid)) = (CAST(ANY(\"us1_15\") AS uuid)))
and the captured error complains about the use of ANY
ResultError (ServerError "42601" "syntax error at or near \"ANY\"" Nothing Nothing)
Ah, that's no good. We may have to add this in then, thanks for testing!
I'm probably not familiar enough with the codebase to contribute much yet, but if you're inclined to sketch what you think is needed at a high level, I'd be happy to take a stab at it. Maybe an annotation of some kind for constructs like this which force the cast to be omitted?
For what it's worth @intractable, here's a snippet from CircuitHub's codebase that provides a function elem :: Sql DBEq a => Expr a -> Expr [a] -> Expr Bool
which like it would do what you're looking for:
(<@) :: Sql DBEq a => Expr [a] -> Expr [a] -> Expr Bool
(<@) = binaryOperator "<@"
elem :: Sql DBEq a => Expr a -> Expr [a] -> Expr Bool
elem = (<@) . (id $*) . listTable . pure
We should probably move this into Rel8 proper at some point.
@shane-circuithub Somehow I had missed this, thanks very much for the example!