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Minitest reporter plugin for CircleCI
This package seems necessary in GitHub Actions to output the JUnit XML files that test reporters can read. There is no mention of GitHub Actions in this repository. Is it...
``` bundle exec rails test:system --ci-report --ci-dir=~/test-results invalid option: --ci-report ```
Hello, I've included `minitest-ci` for our projects on CircleCI, but the tests are failing when using minitest with the following error: ``` [Minitest::CI] Generating test report in JUnit XML format......
nil can't be coerced into Fixnum error while running tests on circle ci in minitest/ci_plugin.rb:113
``` [Minitest::CI] Generating test report in JUnit XML format... /home/circleci/circleci-demo-ruby-rails/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.2.0/gems/minitest-ci-3.3.0/lib/minitest/ci_plugin.rb:113:in `+': nil can't be coerced into Fixnum (TypeError) ``` This is the error we are seeing We are upgrading our...
`git clone circleci/minitest-ci && cd minitest-ci && bundle && rake` == `kapow!` Missing requires. Fix inbound.
Runs should generate any data they need. It appears this is not the case. In the example below, the first test (using latest released minitest) passes fine. The second run...
It seems like an issue with generating the report ``` [Minitest::CI] Generating test report in JUnit XML format... /home/circleci/my-project/vendor/bundle/ruby/3.2.0/gems/minitest-ci-3.4.0/lib/minitest/ci_plugin.rb:115:in `+': nil can't be coerced into Float (TypeError) total_time += result.time...