Alexander Scheel

Results 86 comments of Alexander Scheel

Hey there @marcellanz -- terribly sorry about the delay. Originally I think there was some discussion over the scope of this and if it fit well with our goals for...

@marcellanz Cool! I think a rebase would be the first step; we've added a few features since then that might be causing these conflicts: managed keys and public-key only asymmetric...

@marcellanz This is small enough I might try and sneak it in before the release if you can get the SDK change fixed up and then merge it in.

@marcellanz Cool, ty! I think this might not make 1.14 sadly at this point, but 1.15 branch is open so I can merge it there when you get the updates...

\o hey @marcellanz -- wanted to let you know 1.14 just GA'd, so we're happy to merge this to 1.15 branch when you get the updates in btw :-) No...

Likely adding a new line will break existing deployments, where the absence of a newline is currently expected. A new `format=rfc7468` option will need to be added to support this,...

@maxb I vaguely recall a particular parser that fails when given multiple new lines between certificates, e.g.: ``` -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIChzCCAi2gAwIBAgIUXIC63krrMatmZZVL8+sy1cedepYwCgYIKoZIzj0EAwIw HTEbMBkGA1UEAxMSTG9uZy1MaXZlZCBSb290IFgxMB4XDTIzMDYyMjEyNTExOVoX DTIzMDYyMjEzMDE0OVowFDESMBAGA1UEAxMJbG9jYWxob3N0MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG 9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEArvr0lCh7gzgC91hT4Hip+7NUgR6vyf9d8jIB p16iI4x0toGU7v0cdHYAKBLO6jGSrRGnpZpKgT0bxLxtzFErtrkq3Wbl2BrDWFFJ O8wD8aXvnhyTOt4w8D87dxWKjnlMNJ/fQzN5DT9QeQs3xycuRZqw6CsGEud1QcHf 6uNxrFoBu476TXfL3gotHbKpk//JmSmzC6HZTC/yx0vBR86hoxBFxN4Zes1MvyqV EpvM6WN4hh4p+A2EemSLJiq/86CX5jetrOWpxmqW1iZ+UTgg1uxvq5ylbfFWuJwN mzJlRTeGd/wJ8TawLIF6HuzAIYudMi/tmAfQiZaJkvfJJTDAQwIDAQABo4GIMIGF MA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIDqDAdBgNVHSUEFjAUBggrBgEFBQcDAQYIKwYBBQUHAwIw...

@nehatomar12 The error message above doesn't contain enough information to identify that. Could you provide copies of the working and broken CA chain? This likely belongs as a separate ticket,...

You would pass the SKID of the existing intermediate. > This likely belongs as a separate ticket, either here or filed through support.

Closing this ticket as there has been no response in almost a year.