debug logs from Twilio if helpful: ``` 2022-08-16T19:17:13.257Z debug [RemoteAudioTrack twilio/twilio-video.js#18: MT278d00ef872f90ab57e2ab75305d1a54] Ended log.js?a324:167 2022-08-16T19:17:13.257Z debug [RemoteVideoTrack twilio/twilio-video.js#19: MTc7382970360af265e1538fc0712b3625] Ended log.js?a324:167 2022-08-16T19:17:13.258Z debug [RemoteVideoTrack twilio/twilio-video.js#20: MT7d37ab7b378a74548b748c1641b52d1c] Ended log.js?a324:167 2022-08-16T19:17:13.258Z info...
hi @timmydoza! The changes I made to `useRoom` are minor afaict: `insights: true,` when connecting via to Video.connect a wrapper around the Video assignment `if (typeof window !== "undefined") {...
hi again- I have made sure to clean up my tracks, both videoTracks and tracks published via the canvas stream. I do still get the "local participant disconnected error" and...
Our local fix of the twilio-react-app was the following: The first part of the fix was to separate track attach/detach logic from publish/unpublish logic in `(Anonymous)VideoTrack`, and handle the publish...
android also we think
and also in Mac OS Chrome: ``` twilioerror.js?6b3f:54 Uncaught (in promise) TwilioError: Client is unable to create or apply a local media description at MediaClientLocalDescFailedError.TwilioError [as constructor] (twilioerror.js?6b3f:56:1) at new...
We can also 99% reproduce this on mac Chrome/iOS safari 1. Start new room & session on Chrome on my Mac at `` 2. On my iPhone, connect to the...
debug log from twilio.connect: ``` og.js?a324:167 2022-08-16T19:31:16.766Z debug [RemoteAudioTrack #5: MT1a266a60bf1afd55a6918417ab71d3de] Started log.js?a324:167 2022-08-16T19:31:16.771Z debug [PeerConnectionV2 #1: b09c895c-8acc-49b3-aea8-158197705b62] _updateEncodings: [0: true, 4], [1: true, 2], [2: true, 1] log.js?a324:167 2022-08-16T19:31:16.773Z...