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Ansible ASDF role

An Ansible Role that installs asdf version manager with plugins.



Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see defaults/main.yml). The variable asdf_plugins specifies a list of plugins to install:

asdf_plugins: []

Each plugin can be given in the following format:

  - name: "erlang"    # a plugin name
    repository: ""    # a plugin repository, optional
    versions:         # a list of versions to install
      - 18.3
      - 20.1
    global: 20.1      # set as a global version, optional

The variable asdf_user sets a user for which the role is installed:

asdf_user: "deploy"

By default the role installs asdf and its plugins in the ~/.asdf for this user. This behaviour can be changed by setting asdf_dir. This is useful in situations where multiple users need access to installed plugins and tools (e.g. a deploy user, the app user, and possibly developer users).

asdf_dir: "/opt/asdf-vm"

The variable asdf_legacy_version_file specifies if plugins which support this feature should read the version files used by other version managers (e.g. .ruby-version in the case of Ruby's rbenv).

asdf_legacy_version_file: "yes"

The variable asdf_plugin_dependencies sets packages which are needed for plugins (see defaults/main.yml):

asdf_plugin_dependencies: []

The variable asdf_version sets the git tag of asdf:

asdf_version: v0.9.0



Example Playbook

Playbook example is given below:

- hosts: web
  - role: ansible-role-asdf
    - name: "erlang"
      versions: ["18.3", "20.1"]
      global: "20.1"
    - name: "elixir"
      versions: "1.3.1"

A more complex example for CentOS is:

- name: install asdf
  hosts: '*'
  become: true
    asdf_version: v0.6.2
    asdf_user: ci
      - name: erlang
      - name: elixir
      - name: nodejs
        versions: ["8.11.3"]
        global: "8.11.3"
    - asdf

Installing asdf into a shared directory accessible to the developers group:

- name: install asdf
  hosts: '*'
  become: true
    asdf_user: deploy
    asdf_group: developers
    asdf_dir: /opt/asdf-vm
      - name: erlang
      - name: elixir
      - name: nodejs
        versions: ["8.11.3"]
        global: "8.11.3"
    - asdf


Licensed under the MIT License.