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A starter template for using vue-next with the electron.

Results 14 electron-vue-next issues
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![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/9425605/176999245-8868590c-3821-42b8-8796-3a302b302e62.png) 但是我看在preload的index.ts中, 是可以正常import的. 所以求教这是为什么? 多谢多谢! ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/9425605/176999255-a5d3d10c-2eba-4e1b-8564-82eb30b1901a.png)

I tried using this repo as this supports electron and vue 3 as a nice starter package. Well, its hell itself with rollup. Litterly every package from npm breaks rollup....

Steps to reproduce: `npm init electron-vue-next my-project` `cd my-project` `yarn install` `yarn dev` Server starts correctly, but opening the page in the browser shows a blank white screen. The following...


I have a question, how can I build win or linux on mac ? thank you!

init 项目后安装 [electron-fetch](https://github.com/arantes555/electron-fetch) ,然后在`src/main`下引入electron-fetch后运行项目就会报错 ## 复现过程 1. `yarn create electron-vue-next` 一路默认,然后进入目录执行`yarn` 2. `yarn add -D electron-fetch` 3. 在`src/main/index.ts`中添加如下两行 ``` import fetch from 'electron-fetch' const theFetch = fetch ``` 执行 `yarn...

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/230689/122156524-ba8d3080-ce9b-11eb-8323-4ea889723fba.png) run dev加了external报错: node_modules/warning/warning.js does not provide an export named 'default'



### Features * add support for devtools ([2915bd2](https://github.com/ci010/electron-vue-next/commit/2915bd21a07d44ebe603262889612532a2c6ff63))