
Results 79 comments of CI010

Can you try to add firebase-admin this dependencies to `external` in package.json? I guess this is caused by rollup cannot handle some circular deps in node modules. I write a...

Some update... Recently, I tried to use esbuild to bundle the project, and it seems work fine to me. (Blazing fast too) One more issue need to resolve is importing...

Can you provide more detail info, like your OS version, node & yarn version? I tried on my laptop with node `v15.4.0`, yarn `1.22.10`, vite `2.1.5` running on Windows 10...

I tried on my mac (Catalina 10.15.4) with npm 7.5.3, node 15.9.0, yarn 1.22.10, and I cannot repro the situation... Can you try to recreate the project, ensuring the version...

> Hello, > > I don't unserstand why, but I got also an issue when using `electron-vue-next` with `yarn dev` at startup > > This is the reproduction step on...

It depends on [electron-builder]( I think it does not support cross build though... :/

神奇,其实我也不太会rollup,尤其是resolve ts这块其实挺蛋疼的。。。 我回头研究研究正常的写法…… Update: 我试了 npm 好像没遇到这个问题…… 你试试在esbuild的resolveId这里加这个试试,这样work嘛 ```ts async resolveId(id, importer) { if (/\?commonjs/.test(id) || id === 'commonjsHelpers.js' || id.endsWith('js')) { return } ```

external 是让 rollup 跳过这些 deps,在 production 中不 bundle 他们。 其实vue,vuex,等vue的应该不需要external吧,除非你需要在 main process 那边访问他们。

有没有看看 vscode 那边有啥报错,这个是dev还是build出来的东西啊

啊,请升级你的 nodejs 最好 nodejs 14。