
Results 219 comments of ci-macpaw

**paracelsus**: ``` The library still doesn't seem to have a license so it's not actually possible to use it, unfortunately. ```

**llmondrup**: ``` Not sure if this is of much use, don't know of programming yet. ```

**mysticalosx**: ``` it's more or less here ```

**paracelsus**: ``` Is there some documentation on the new format? ```

**llmondrup**: ``` Better late than never. You would be a hero for all Blizzard players on Mac platforms if you do this. The older MPQ Extractors can't open the new...

**Topsy.Cret.II**: ``` This would help immensely! There aren't any other MPQ programs for Mac that work well, so this would be a godsend! ```

**Darkenelf**: ``` Many of the AddOn developers for WoW, including myself, would love to have this. -Torhal ```

**paracelsus**: ``` I guess it is possible, but I'm not sure if there's much demand. If anyone else wants it, do speak up. (It's also a bit worrying that there...

**paracelsus**: ``` Apparently KGB is based in PAQ6, which is GPL, and thus incompatible with the The Unarchiver license (LGPL). Adding support would either require re-implementing from scratch (unlikely to...