**d235j.1**: ``` Probably. I don't think it would be too hard to use the UNIX API (filename/rsrc) to copy the resource fork of the file into a temporary data fork...
**paracelsus**: ``` I was looking things up, and noticed there's some UDIF format which supposedly is just the data and resource forks of a NDIF concaternated together with a header....
**d235j.1**: ``` I can submit testcases if necessary -- though 'hdiutil' in OS X can generate all of the DC6.1+ images. ShrinkWrap images, which are similar to DC6.1+ images in...
**[email protected]**: ``` Not sure what happened to this, but if anyone is working on it, there's info about NuLib (a library by Andy McFadden) here, which has been actively developed...
**paracelsus**: ``` All right, the program flow basically goes like this (don't rely on me getting all the method names correct here): * Client program requests an archive parser for...
**mressl**: ``` Hello there! I've finally managed to find some time and start working on this. I've been able to understand NuLib and NuFX, but I'm having a hard time...
**mressl**: ``` Thanks a lot! ```
**paracelsus**: ``` Well, the basic structure for archive support in The Unarchiver is to create a XAD*Parser class that detects the file format and parses the files it contains. Then,...
**mressl**: ``` I'm interested in working on adding nulib2 support in The Unarchiver. How should I proceed? ```
**paracelsus**: ``` Also: Submit test cases if you want this implemented. ```