champ copied to clipboard
Unexpected error: No trajectory defined at current time. Please contact the package maintainer
Hi !
I'm making a spotmicro using raspberry pi and pca9685 (use i2c).
When I run bringup.launch, I get this error. Can you tell me the cause?
* /velocity_smoother/frequency: 10.0
* /velocity_smoother/quiet: True
* /velocity_smoother/robot_feedback: 2
* /velocity_smoother/speed_lim_v_x: 0.5
* /velocity_smoother/speed_lim_v_y: 0.35
* /velocity_smoother/speed_lim_w: 0.4
base_to_footprint_ekf (robot_localization/ekf_localization_node)
champ_controller (champ_base/quadruped_controller_node)
controller_spawner (controller_manager/spawner)
footprint_to_odom_ekf (robot_localization/ekf_localization_node)
hardware_interface (spotmicro_config/hardware_interface_node)
i2cpwm_controller_node (i2cpwm_board/i2cpwm_controller)
nodelet_manager (nodelet/nodelet)
robot_state_publisher (robot_state_publisher/robot_state_publisher)
rviz (rviz/rviz)
state_estimator (champ_base/state_estimation_node)
velocity_smoother (nodelet/nodelet)
auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [16547]
setting /run_id to 82d4ceae-ddfe-11ed-bb86-d83add0f3189
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [16570]
started core service [/rosout]
process[robot_state_publisher-2]: started with pid [16577]
process[nodelet_manager-3]: started with pid [16578]
process[velocity_smoother-4]: started with pid [16594]
process[champ_controller-5]: started with pid [16609]
[ INFO] [1681832083.944673889]: Successfully parsed urdf file
process[state_estimator-6]: started with pid [16619]
[ INFO] [1681832085.193981073]: Successfully parsed urdf file
process[base_to_footprint_ekf-7]: started with pid [16626]
[ WARN] [1681832087.619769128]: Warning: Some linear velocity entries in parameter imu0_config are listed true, but an sensor_msgs/Imu contains no information about linear velocities
[ WARN] [1681832087.629185238]: Warning: imu/data is listed as an input topic, but all its update variables are false
process[footprint_to_odom_ekf-8]: started with pid [16642]
[ WARN] [1681832089.933342532]: Failed to meet update rate! Took 1.1930038860000000689
[ WARN] [1681832089.938140845]: Failed to meet update rate! Took 1.1778888069999999821
[ WARN] [1681832091.186257224]: Failed to meet update rate! Took 1.2089223270000000188
[ WARN] [1681832091.186891416]: Failed to meet update rate! Took 1.1895920909999999626
process[rviz-9]: started with pid [16653]
qt.qpa.screen: QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display
Could not connect to any X display.
[rviz-9] process has died [pid 16653, exit code 1, cmd /opt/ros/melodic/lib/rviz/rviz -d /home/pi/catkin_ws/src/champ/champ_description/rviz/urdf_viewer.rviz -f //base_footprint __name:=rviz __log:=/home/pi/.ros/log/82d4ceae-ddfe-11ed-bb86-d83add0f3189/rviz-9.log].
log file: /home/pi/.ros/log/82d4ceae-ddfe-11ed-bb86-d83add0f3189/rviz-9*.log
[ WARN] [1681832092.400344277]: Failed to meet update rate! Took 1.2137641699999999201
[ WARN] [1681832092.407766464]: Failed to meet update rate! Took 1.20120593100000006
[ WARN] [1681832092.471338710]: Failed to meet update rate! Took 0.050526331000000000715
process[hardware_interface-10]: started with pid [16669]
[ INFO] [1681832093.164223707]: Registering joint front_left_shoulder
[ INFO] [1681832093.170901798]: Registering joint front_left_leg
[ INFO] [1681832093.172850444]: Registering joint front_left_foot
[ INFO] [1681832093.173735464]: Registering joint front_right_shoulder
[ INFO] [1681832093.174691316]: Registering joint front_right_leg
[ INFO] [1681832093.175953883]: Registering joint front_right_foot
[ INFO] [1681832093.176656684]: Registering joint rear_left_shoulder
[ INFO] [1681832093.176794033]: Registering joint rear_left_leg
[ INFO] [1681832093.177430891]: Registering joint rear_left_foot
[ INFO] [1681832093.178138840]: Registering joint rear_right_shoulder
[ INFO] [1681832093.178289522]: Registering joint rear_right_leg
[ INFO] [1681832093.179022749]: Registering joint rear_right_foot
[ INFO] [1681832093.214069835]: waitForService: Service [/config_servos] has not been advertised, waiting...
[ WARN] [1681832093.293127943]: Failed to meet update rate! Took 0.17235304500000001027
[ WARN] [1681832093.302491314]: Failed to meet update rate! Took 0.16172010100000000499
process[controller_spawner-11]: started with pid [16674]
[INFO] [1681832095.705188]: Controller Spawner: Waiting for service controller_manager/load_controller
process[i2cpwm_controller_node-12]: started with pid [16681]
[ INFO] [1681832095.936500654]: waitForService: Service [/config_servos] is now available.
[ INFO] [1681832095.969304582]: I2C bus opened on /dev/i2c-1
[ INFO] [1681832095.990059748]: Setting PWM frequency to 50 Hz
[ INFO] [1681832096.999465680]: Servo #9 configured: center=306, range=345, direction=-1
[ INFO] [1681832096.999592362]: Servo #8 configured: center=306, range=336, direction=1
[ INFO] [1681832096.999667046]: Servo #7 configured: center=306, range=369, direction=1
[ INFO] [1681832096.999738304]: Servo #12 configured: center=306, range=367, direction=1
[ INFO] [1681832097.000156407]: Servo #11 configured: center=306, range=361, direction=1
[ INFO] [1681832097.000244368]: Servo #10 configured: center=306, range=369, direction=1
[ INFO] [1681832097.000399606]: Servo #6 configured: center=306, range=359, direction=1
[ INFO] [1681832097.000469993]: Servo #5 configured: center=306, range=369, direction=1
[ INFO] [1681832097.000529233]: Servo #4 configured: center=306, range=381, direction=1
[ INFO] [1681832097.000588417]: Servo #3 configured: center=306, range=345, direction=-1
[ INFO] [1681832097.000658823]: Servo #2 configured: center=306, range=372, direction=1
[ INFO] [1681832097.000716192]: Servo #1 configured: center=306, range=378, direction=1
[ INFO] [1681832097.002494842]: Loaded hardware_interface.
[ INFO] [1681832097.173786788]: Using loop frequency of 200 Hz
[INFO] [1681832097.228562]: Controller Spawner: Waiting for service controller_manager/switch_controller
[INFO] [1681832097.240929]: Controller Spawner: Waiting for service controller_manager/unload_controller
[INFO] [1681832097.250423]: Loading controller: joint_states_controller
[INFO] [1681832097.275388]: Loading controller: joint_group_position_controller
[ WARN] [1681832097.383792825]: Failed to meet update rate! Took 0.084041827999999998977
[ WARN] [1681832097.384334444]: Failed to meet update rate! Took 0.064629112000000002447
[ WARN] [1681832098.396815389]: Failed to meet update rate! Took 0.092559332000000008045
[ WARN] [1681832098.397093476]: Failed to meet update rate! Took 0.088980481000000000158
[ WARN] [1681832098.400759700]: Failed to meet update rate! Took 0.076511977000000008786
[INFO] [1681832098.404401]: Controller Spawner: Loaded controllers: joint_states_controller, joint_group_position_controller
[INFO] [1681832098.448960]: Started controllers: joint_states_controller, joint_group_position_controller
[ WARN] [1681832098.479020495]: Failed to meet update rate! Took 0.1510012760000000176
[ WARN] [1681832098.639959536]: Failed to meet update rate! Took 0.14090330300000000752
[ WARN] [1681832098.640097533]: Failed to meet update rate! Took 0.1416414530000000005
[ WARN] [1681832098.641864869]: Failed to meet update rate! Took 0.1233892890000000131
[ WARN] [1681832098.642196418]: Failed to meet update rate! Took 0.12317855400000000954
[ERROR] [1681832100.949222336]: Unexpected error: No trajectory defined at current time. Please contact the package maintainer.
[ERROR] [1681832101.009117234]: Unexpected error: No trajectory defined at current time. Please contact the package maintainer.
[ERROR] [1681832101.069116761]: Unexpected error: No trajectory defined at current time. Please contact the package maintainer.
[ERROR] [1681832102.009110879]: Unexpected error: No trajectory defined at current time. Please contact the package maintainer.
[ERROR] [1681832102.689117382]: Unexpected error: No trajectory defined at current time. Please contact the package maintainer.
[ERROR] [1681832102.709118342]: Unexpected error: No trajectory defined at current time. Please contact the package maintainer.
[ERROR] [1681832102.829315745]: Unexpected error: No trajectory defined at current time. Please contact the package maintainer.
[ERROR] [1681832103.149121182]: Unexpected error: No trajectory defined at current time. Please contact the package maintainer.
[ERROR] [1681832103.229101670]: Unexpected error: No trajectory defined at current time. Please contact the package maintainer.
Hi @coheonsb, I have the same error and I try to understand if the reason is based on ros noetic on ubuntu20.04. which version are you using? in doc i see that repo support only ros melodic.
hello @lorerave85
I've confirmed that this happens on both Ubuntu 20.04 and 18.04 versions.
This problem is a ros controll problem, and I am developing a way to solve it without using ros controll.