
Results 27 comments of chupo_cro

Proxy did run with `--no-gui` switch but this time I couldn't solve the problem with the certificates: ``` (PROXY) C:\Python27\PROXY\_MY>python --no-gui CryptographyDeprecationWarning: Python 2 is no longer supporte...

The problem is Base64 encoded data encodes every 3 bytes into 4 bytes and after URL encoding when every byte is further encoded into multiple bytes there isn't enough free...

There still is an option "Who has access: **Anyone**" for Google Apps Scripts.

Top pins are mirrored. A0 - A3 pins are mirrored on board. 'RX1' and 'TX0' should be RXI and TXO as in RX **I**nput, TX **O**utput. GND pins are not...

I had to comment out **both** `incrementChannel = true;` instances to make it work. I have Syma X5 (not X5C) that I bought 3 months ago, the remote has a...

When setting CH3 (throttle) failsafe on FS-I6 to `-100%` then after turning the transmitter off the data on channel 3 is `9192` = `0x23e8` instead of `1000` = `0x03e8`. When...

**Defender Control** by Sordum Team can disable the Defender even on latest Windows 10 22H2. But the problem is #461