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Feature Request: Subsystems
There are many digital systems, in many parts of the world, that are a conglomerate of multiple agencies within an area or region. For example, a large system in my area is the SRRCS (https://www.radioreference.com/db/sid/7702) which is comprised of around 35 agencies and hundreds of talkgroups. In Rdio-Scanner, since everything is put into one system, the organization of each of the agencies is rather messy as there's really no division of the talkgroups for the various agencies within that system. A solution that I thought of the other day would be the addition of subsystems in rdio-scanner. These subsystems would be added and contained under a parent system and would be a means to divide up the talkgroups for organization sake.
What I picture is as follows: A user would add a parent system and add all of their talkgroups to that system, just as they do today. Under the parent system settings, there could be an option to add new subsystems. Once added, the user could edit a talkgroup within that parent system and select a subsystem to assign that talkgroup to.
The UI would then display a parent system title as well as any subsystem titles and their corresponding talkgroups that are assigned to that subsystem. Talkgroups within a parent system that do not have a subsystem assigned can show up before the subsystems or after the subsystems (whichever you prefer to implement). On/Off buttons would display for the parent system as well as each of the subsystems. The parent system on/off would turn off all talkgroups within that system, including all subsystems. The on/off for a subsystem would only turn on/off the talkgroups within that subsystem.
Hopefully this makes sense. I know i've posted an enhancement in regards to tags to accomplish something somewhat similar in terms of turning on and off individual agency systems within a major system (https://github.com/chuot/rdio-scanner/issues/230) but in all honesty, I think this subsystem enhancement would be much more elegant of a solution to implement.
Thanks again for all your hard work with this! PS- Do you have a donation link anywhere via paypal or something similar? I subscribed to the app on Google Play but would love to kick some more donations your way for all your hard work.