ESP8266_WLAN_speaker copied to clipboard
Using an ESP8266 to playback an audio stream over WiFi and 7-bit PWM.
Using an ESP8266 to playback an audio stream over WiFi using 7-bit (8-bit dithered) PWM.
To playback a mp3 file, simply call e.g.:
avconv -i gong.mp3 -f s32be -acodec pcm_u8 -ac 1 -ar 33000 tcp://
Where the IP is the IP of your esp8266 and gong.mp3 the path to the music file.
Youtube demo video:
Schematics can be found in this thread in the FHEM forum (german language):
At the moment there are several options for the amplification:
- NPN-Transistor like BC107 (see here:;topic=71087.0;attach=78026)
- PAM8302A (click for circuit diagram)
- active computer-speaker
How to on Windows
avconv is a cmd tool available for linux and Windows. If your on Windows go to the Libav site and download the latest windows build: (avconv is included there).
To "Install" you just have to unpack that archive somewhere. Now Navigate your command prompt into that unpacked folder and further down into "usr" -> "bin". Now you can use the command from the section above to play your file:
avconv -i gong.mp3 -f s32be -acodec pcm_u8 -ac 1 -ar 33000 tcp://
Where the IP is the IP of your esp8266 and gong.mp3 the path to the music file.
Can't build sketch
When you open the sketch Arduino might ask you to create the appropiate folder to use that sketch. You have to manually copy the StatusLedModes.h nexto wherever your sketch is located now, or it won't build