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A simple library to get metadata of MP3 files.


A simple MP3 file tag parser.

npm GitHub package version license

You can use it to get album photo, album name, date, style and other information in MP3 music files.





npm install mutag


In the browser, you should import dist/mutag.min.js and then use window.mutag.

<script src="../dist/mutag.min.js"></script>
    const mutag = window.mutag;
    // the type of input element is 'file'
    const inputDOM = document.querySelector('.file-input');
    inputDOM.addEventListener('change', e => {
        const file =[0];
        mutag.fetch(file).then((tags) => {
            //get all tags
    }, false);

In Node.js, Mutag should be introduced with the require method.

const fs = require('fs');
const mutag = require('mutag');

fs.readFile('path/to/file.mp3', (err, data) => {
  mutag.fetch(data).then((tags) => {
    //get all tags



Parse the MP3 file and return a Promise object. The parameter is a Blob object. In the browser, the Blob object can be obtained by listening for the onchange event of the input (attribute type="file"), or by listening for the element's ondrop event, or passing Ajax. In Node.js, we can get it with the fs.readFile() API. Return value is a Promise object. if there is no error, you can get all existing MP3 file tags in the callback function resolve with its then method.


Return the version number of Mutag.

Tag description

Mutag can parse ID3v2.3. Some common tags are as follows:

Tag Description
APIC Attached picture, mostly in JPG format, few in PNG format
COMM Comments, release notes for music files
GEOB General encapsulated object
PRIV Private frame, a series of private labels defined by Windows Media
TALB Album/Movie/Show title
TCOM Composer
TCON Content type, music style, different numbers represent different styles, here are details.
TIT2 Title/songname/content description
TPE1 Lead performer(s)/Soloist(s)
TPUB Publisher
TRCK Track number/Position in set

For more information on tags, please check here.

Browser compatibility

I use some newer APIs such as TextDecoder, Blob, and FileReader, so only modern browsers (new versions of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, etc.) are supported.
