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A gRPC C++ tutorial

gRPC C++


How to install

To install gRPC, run the following commands:

$ export INSTALL_DIR=$HOME/.local
$ mkdir -p $INSTALL_DIR
$ export PATH="$INSTALL_DIR/bin:$PATH"
$ git clone --recurse-submodules -b v1.37.1
$ cd grpc
$ mkdir -p cmake/build
$ pushd cmake/build
$ make -j
$ make install
$ popd
$ mkdir -p third_party/abseil-cpp/cmake/build
$ pushd third_party/abseil-cpp/cmake/build
$ make -j
$ make install
$ popd


If you encounter the fatal error: absl/synchronization/mutex.h: No such file or directory error when building the Hello world example, simply fix it by copying the absl directory from grpc/third_party/abseil-cpp/absl to /usr/local/include/:

$ (sudo) cp -r grpc/third_party/abseil-cpp/absl /usr/local/include/

Working with gRPC

How to define a service


Define a service in a .proto file using the Interface Definition Language (IDL) from Protocol Buffers.

Example: Sample service

syntax = "proto3";

option java_package = "sample.grpc";

package sample;

service SampleService {
    rpc SampleMethod (SampleRequest) returns (SampleResponse) {}

message SampleRequest {
    string request_sample_field = 1;

message SampleResponse {
    string response_sample_field = 1;

Example: Calculator service


How to generate gRPC code


Use the protocol buffer compiler protoc to generate client and server code:

$ protoc -I=$SRC_DIR --cpp_out=$DST_DIR $SRC_DIR/sample.proto
$ protoc -I=$SRC_DIR --grpc_out=$DST_DIR --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=/usr/local/bin/grpc_cpp_plugin $SRC_DIR/sample.proto


  • SRC_DIR: The source directory, or the directory contains the .proto file.
  • DST_DIR: The destination directory, or the directory contains the .pb.h,, .grpc.pb.h and files.

Example: Sample

With SRC_DIR = protos/ and DST_DIR = sample/:

$ protoc -I=protos/ --cpp_out=sample/ protos/sample.proto
$ protoc -I=protos/ --grpc_out=sample/ --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=/usr/local/bin/grpc_cpp_plugin protos/sample.proto

Example: Calculator

With SRC_DIR = protos/ and DST_DIR = calculator/:

$ protoc -I=protos/ --cpp_out=calculator/ protos/calculator.proto
$ protoc -I=protos/ --grpc_out=calculator/ --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=/usr/local/bin/grpc_cpp_plugin protos/calculator.proto


The .pb.h,, .grpc.pb.h and files could be generated automatically by the CMake's add_custom_command command and should not be included in the actual project. See also: Sample CMakeLists.txt, Calculator CMakeLists.txt.

How to write a client


  1. Create a channel.
  2. Create a stub.
  3. Make a unary RPC.
  4. Check returned status and response.

Example: Sample client

Example: Calculator client


How to write a server


  1. Implement the service interface.
  2. Build a server exporting the service.

Example: Sample server

Example: Calculator server


How to write an async client


  1. Create a channel.
  2. Create a stub.
  3. Initiate the RPC and bind it to a CompletionQueue.
  4. Request to update the response and the call status upon completion of the RPC with a unique tag.
  5. Wait for the completion queue to return the next tag.

Example: Sample async client

Example: Calculator async client


How to write an async server


  1. Build a server exporting the async service.
  2. Request an RPC with a unique tag.
  3. Wait for the completion queue to return the next tag.

Example: Sample async server

Example: Calculator async server
