rpi-fruitbox copied to clipboard
Error about loading the shared libraries and libbrcmglesv2.so
New user here…. So most likely something basic that I'm doing wrong....
Just trying to setup Fruitbox using the recommendations on the Chundermike Github page that looks like this:
#!/bin/bash echo "----------------------" echo "Installing fruitbox..." echo "----------------------" rm master* rm -Rf rpi-fruitbox-master-backup mv rpi-fruitbox-master rpi-fruitbox-master-backup sudo apt-get -y install libsm-dev libxcursor-dev libxi-dev libxinerama-dev libxrandr-dev libxpm-dev libvorbis-dev libtheora-dev wget https://codeload.github.com/chundermike/rpi-fruitbox/zip/master unzip master rm master cd rpi-fruitbox-master chmod +x ./fruitbox echo echo "Quick Start Guide" echo "-----------------" echo "1. Choose a skin (see skins directory); lets call it MYSKIN." echo "2. Edit (using nano for example) the skins/MYSKIN/fruitbox.cfg file" echo " and change the MusicPath value to point to where your mp3 files are kept." echo "3. run fruitbox..." echo " sudo ./fruitbox --cfg skins/MYSKIN/fruitbox.cfg" echo "" echo "For help, run fruitbox with no arguments (i.e. ./fruitbox)"
Everything seems OK and setups up according to the setup instructions on that page. I’ve changed/edited the Music path and edited the fruitbox skin I’m using to reflect that.
I when I attempt to run fruitbox from the command line (now from within the rpi-fruitbox-master directory?) using the command: " sudo ./fruitbox --cfg skins/WallJuke/fruitbox.cfg"
I get an error about loading the shared libraries - libbrcmglesv2.so??
There are two things I notice different from the original older information on the Github page.....
1 – the OS version is the latest Debian Bullseye with desktop (2022-01-28) 2 - the new OS doesn’t have the (sudo raspi-config -> Advanced Options -> Memory Split) as mentioned? You can set the GUI size in the config setup but it has changed from the Advanced Options page….
Not sure where to go from here? Try with an older version of Pi maybe??
Any tips appreciated.
Just tried an older Pi version and I don't get that error about loading the shared libraries - libbrcmglesv2.so...... so must something to do with the current version? Only problem is the older version doesn't support my 7" touch display! (ingcool - 7ip-caplcd)! Another update... I just completely built a new system doing everything the same as the old version (the one that worked apart from the touch screen) and once again I get the libraries issue with libbrcmglesv2.so. So seems to be something doesn't play well between the current Pi version and Fruitbox.
try this from the command line,,,
cd /opt/vc/lib
sudo ln -s libbrcmEGL.so libEGL.so
sudo ln -s libbrcmGLESv2.so libGLESv2.so
sudo ln -s libbrcmOpenVG.so libOpenVG.so
sudo ln -s libbrcmWFC.so libWFC.so
try this from the command line,,,
cd /opt/vc/lib sudo ln -s libbrcmEGL.so libEGL.so sudo ln -s libbrcmGLESv2.so libGLESv2.so sudo ln -s libbrcmOpenVG.so libOpenVG.so sudo ln -s libbrcmWFC.so libWFC.so
Hello No such file or directory
Back now on this project and trying to run FruitBox on a fresh Pi OS install - "Raspberry PI OS (32-bit) 2022-04-04" and Chyndermike this suggestion fails.... as mentioned by Arcamat - no directory found (cd /opt/vc/lib)??? Same error about libbrcmGLESv2.so when you try to run FruitBox. Old OS version does work but no Touch Screen support. I need to use a touch screen for my project.... Any ideas??????
Check out the build.txt in the build directory, but essentially...
cd /opt/vc/lib sudo ln -s libbrcmEGL.so libEGL.so sudo ln -s libbrcmGLESv2.so libGLESv2.so sudo ln -s libbrcmOpenVG.so libOpenVG.so sudo ln -s libbrcmWFC.so libWFC.so
If this doesn't work then it's down to the latest OS...the graphics driver has changed completely, and the Allegro library I'm using isn't keeping pace. Probably worth reverting to the previous OS. What touchscreen do you have? I'm aware that fruitbox doesn't work with ELO touchscreens but fruitbox v2 fixes this, which is out soon.
With the current version the /opt directory only has 2 subfolders - pigpio and WidevineCd-m no vc/lib folder??
The screen is an ingcool 7IP-CAPLCD and runs fine in the pi windows enviroment.
Thanks for your help Mike! Greatly appreciated.
When is fruitbox v2 likely to be released? are there more Touch Screen options (skins) likely in it. TouchOne looks perfect for my job......
OS is raspbian bullseye (raspi- config version 20220506)
If anyone can suggest a version that does run correctly and supports Touch Screens, I happy to try that option as well.
I have now gone back to an earlier version of Raspian Buster (2019) and all runs fine with no errors.
Thanks to Mike for all the clever work that has gone into this software.