As a team lead/manager, I would like to establish an automated system to track increase/decrease of CI check completion time so that I can fail PRs that drastically increase CI...
Check [this PR ]( and merge together all the Dataframes that were changed into a single Dataframe test fixture.
See : Can probably move the ww.init back to the fixture.
Check out [this PR]( and try to pull the common series into a fixture.
Per #2667 , it was noted that a DaskEngine can't be used in a context manager as the manager will shutdown the associated cluster. We should probably modify the `__enter__()`...
In #2667 , we added the ability of AutoMLSearch to create its own Dask LocalCluster to perform work in parallel. An important aspect of using a Dask LocalCluster is turning...
Delete `search_iterative()`.
In @bchen1116 's recent analysis of our ensembling algorithm, it's come to light that we spend a lot of time copying data. I've noticed throughout the code a lot of...
I would expect the following test to pass. We're seeing within `concat_columns` that when a DataFrame with a column with mixed null/integers is passed the `Integer` logical type during inference,...
Decompose things...STL'ly!