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Localized values differ from English

Open johnd0e opened this issue 1 year ago • 1 comments

E.g., compare these

  • https://ru.wttr.in/moscow: 18 °C ↖ 19 км/ч
  • https://wttr.in/moscow: 20 °C ← 15 km/h

(But 3-days forecasts are identical)

johnd0e avatar Aug 31 '23 21:08 johnd0e

Even worse: json reports have another values!! curl wttr.in/Moscow?format=j1 | jq .current_condition

    "FeelsLikeC": "17",
    "FeelsLikeF": "63",
    "cloudcover": "0",
    "humidity": "83",
    "localObsDateTime": "2023-09-01 12:00 AM",
    "observation_time": "09:00 PM",
    "precipInches": "0.0",
    "precipMM": "0.0",
    "pressure": "1015",
    "pressureInches": "30",
    "temp_C": "17",
    "temp_F": "63",
    "uvIndex": "1",
    "visibility": "10",
    "visibilityMiles": "6",
    "weatherCode": "113",
    "weatherDesc": [
        "value": "Clear"
    "weatherIconUrl": [
        "value": ""
    "winddir16Point": "SE",
    "winddirDegree": "130",
    "windspeedKmph": "15",
    "windspeedMiles": "9"

curl ru.wttr.in/Moscow?format=j1 | jq .current_condition

    "FeelsLikeC": "17",
    "FeelsLikeF": "63",
    "cloudcover": "0",
    "humidity": "83",
    "lang_ru": [
        "value": "Ясно"
    "localObsDateTime": "2023-09-01 12:00 AM",
    "observation_time": "09:00 PM",
    "precipInches": "0.0",
    "precipMM": "0.0",
    "pressure": "1015",
    "pressureInches": "30",
    "temp_C": "17",
    "temp_F": "63",
    "uvIndex": "1",
    "visibility": "10",
    "visibilityMiles": "6",
    "weatherCode": "113",
    "weatherDesc": [
        "value": "Clear"
    "weatherIconUrl": [
        "value": ""
    "winddir16Point": "ENE",
    "winddirDegree": "70",
    "windspeedKmph": "15",
    "windspeedMiles": "9"

Note: all four reports were made in the same time!

johnd0e avatar Aug 31 '23 21:08 johnd0e