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v3.wttr.in bugs
v3.wttr.in works, but it is the first, minimal viable implementation, and it has a lot of different bugs. All known bugs and feature requests should be gathered here.
- Corner cases (Alaska, Arctics, Antartica, Equator), e.g. http://v3.wttr.in/Anchorage
Feature requests:
- transparent background, see https://twitter.com/JakubUrbanec/status/1321926264844918787/photo/1
- Country names
Would be nice to fix the emojis width for @iSH_app
@claenn It is #345
https://v3.wttr.in/Czechia shows
That is quite certainly NOT whole Czechia (just Region Vysočina).
https://v3.wttr.in/Greece shows Central Greece and Thessaly regions only.
Remaining regions are available seperately:
- https://v3.wttr.in/Attica
- https://v3.wttr.in/Peloponnese (Peloponnese, West Greece and Ionian Islands)
- https://v3.wttr.in/Crete
- https://v3.wttr.in/Epirus
- https://v3.wttr.in/Thrace (West Macedonia, Central Macedonia, East Macedonia and Thrace)
- https://v3.wttr.in/Aegean (All aegean islands including Cyclades and Dodecanese)
Detailed info about Greece's regions can be found at Wikipedia
@mcepl @tzermias
Thank you for reporting this! First of all, keep in mind that the v3 view is highly experimental, and it is rather a proof-of-concept than a real implementation. We experiment with it, and gather feedback and feature requests from the users, and then it will be gradually implemented.
v3 does not support countries names currently, only region names. I agree, that countries names should be supported too.
That is what must be displayed for Greece and Czechia:
- https://v3.wttr.in/Athens
- https://v3.wttr.in/Prague
What do you think, what should be displayed for location-based quires in the v3.view? Only small region around the location or the whole country whith this location highlighted?
For example for Jihlava, or for Larisa?
Well, it's complicated. Strictly speaking if you want to display something for Jihlava, then for Prague you should display just the region of Prague (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regions_of_the_Czech_Republic). On the other hand, you may give up and just display whole Czechia (or Greece) for any city inside of our borders. We both are rather small countries.
Yes, exactly; and it is anyway interesting to see the weather in the whole country (if you access v3.wttr.in).
My idea is to make it like this:
- For queries that correspond to the region names ans countries, display the named region;
- For locations, display the region or the whole country the location belongs to with the location highlighted.
How to select country or region in the second case:
- If location is a capital, display the country;
- If location is not a capital, display country for all countries excluding several exceptions like: USA, Russia, China, India, Canada and maybe some other. Not sure about Brazil, Australia and Argentina.
@chubin Thank you for the prompt resolution! Greece is now shown correctly!
As for your plan showing corresponding regions, it looks solid. Besides, this actually works right now. For example when requesting weather in "Iraklion", Crete region is shown as expected!
Anchorage is listed as a corner case above.. and for that URL I just get a broken image symbol. However I get that for any American city I try for v3, like Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Sacramento all resulted in the same missing image icon.
Ehm, and now https://v3.wttr.in/Czechia shows me just broken image. https://v3.wttr.in/Prague works, https://v3.wttr.in/Jihlava doesn’t.
I have this error every time i try to access v3.wttr.in
Sorry, we are running out of queries to the weather service at the moment.
Here is the weather report for the default city (just to show you what it looks like).
We will get new queries as soon as possible.
You can follow https://twitter.com/igor_chubin for the updates.