SweepContractor.jl copied to clipboard
Julia package for contraction of tensor networks, based on the sweep line algorithm outlined in the paper "General tensor network decoding of 2D Pauli codes" (arXiv:2101.04125).
A Julia package for the contraction of tensor networks using the sweep-line-based contraction algorithm laid out in the paper General tensor network decoding of 2D Pauli codes. This algorithm is primarily designed for two-dimensional tensor networks but contains graph manipulation tools that allow it to function for generic tensor networks.
Below I have provided some examples of SweepContractor.jl
at work. Scripts with working versions of each of these examples are also included in the package. For more detailed documentation consult help pages by using ?
in the Julia REPL.
Feel free to contact me with any comments, questions, or suggestions at [email protected]. If you use SweepContractor.jl
for research, please cite either arXiv:2101.04125 and/or doi:10.5281/zenodo.5566841.
Example 1: ABCD
Consider the following four tensor networks, taken from the tensor network review Hand-waving and Interpretive Dance:
where each tensor is defined
First we need to install SweepContract.jl
, which we do by running
import Pkg
Now that it's installed we can use the package by running
using SweepContractor
Next we need to define our network. We do this by initialising a LabelledTensorNetwork
, which allows us to have a tensor network with elements labelled by an arbitrary type, in our case Char
LTN = LabelledTensorNetwork{Char}()
Next, we populate this with our four tensors, which are each specified by giving a list of neighbouring tensors, an array consisting of the entries, and a two-dimensional location.
LTN['A'] = Tensor(['D','B'], [i^2-2j for i=0:2, j=0:2], 0, 1)
LTN['B'] = Tensor(['A','D','C'], [-3^i*j+k for i=0:2, j=0:2, k=0:2], 0, 0)
LTN['C'] = Tensor(['B','D'], [j for i=0:2, j=0:2], 1, 0)
LTN['D'] = Tensor(['A','B','C'], [i*j*k for i=0:2, j=0:2, k=0:2], 1, 1)
Finally, we want to contract this network. To do this we need to specify a target bond dimension and a maximum bond-dimension. In our case, we will use 2
and 4
value = sweep_contract(LTN,2,4)
To avoid underflows or overflows in the case of large networks sweep_contract
does not simply return a float, but returns (f::Float64,i::Int64)
, which represents a valuef*2^i
. In this case, it returns (1.0546875, 10)
. By running ldexp(sweep...)
we can see that this corresponds to the exact value of the network of 1080
Note there are two speedups that can be made to this code. Firstly, sweep_contract
copies the input tensor network, so we can use the form sweep_contract!
which allows the function to modify the input tensor network, skipping this copy step. Secondly, sweep_contract
is designed to function on arbitrary tensor networks, and starts by flattening the network down into two dimensions. If our network is already well-structured, we can run the contraction in fast mode skipping these steps.
value = sweep_contract!(LTN,2,4; fast=true)
Examples 2: 2d grid (open)
Next, we move on to the sort of network this code was primarily designed for, a two-dimensional network. Here consider an square grid network of linear size L
, with each index of dimension d
. For convenience, we can once again use a LabelledTensorNetwork
, with labels in this case corresponding to coordinates in the grid. To construct such a network with Gaussian random entries we can use code such as:
LTN = LabelledTensorNetwork{Tuple{Int,Int}}();
for i∈1:L, j∈1:L
i>1 && push!(adj,(i-1,j))
j>1 && push!(adj,(i,j-1))
i<L && push!(adj,(i+1,j))
j<L && push!(adj,(i,j+1))
LTN[i,j] = Tensor(adj, randn(d*ones(Int,length(adj))...), i, j)
We note that the if
statements used have the function of imposing open boundary conditions. Once again we can now contract this by running the sweep contractor (in fast mode), for some choice of bond-dimensions χ and τ:
value = sweep_contract!(LTN,χ,τ; fast=true)
Example 3: 2d grid (periodic)
But what about contracting a 2d grid with periodic boundary conditions? Well, this contains a small number of long-range bonds. Thankfully, however SweepContractor.jl
can run on such graphs by first planarising them.
We might start by taking the above code and directly changing the boundary conditions, but this will result in the boundary edges overlapping other edges in the network (e.g. the edge from (1,1)
to (2,1)
will overlap the edge from (1,1)
to (L,1)
), which the contractor cannot deal with. As a crude workaround we just randomly shift the position of each tensor by a small amount:
LTN = LabelledTensorNetwork{Tuple{Int,Int}}();
for i∈1:L, j∈1:L
LTN[i,j] = Tensor(adj, randn(d,d,d,d), i+0.1*rand(), j+0.1*rand())
Here the mod1
function is imposing our periodic boundary condition, and rand()
is being used to slightly move each tensor. Once again we can now run sweep_contract
on this, but cannot use fast-mode as the network is no longer planar:
value = sweep_contract!(LTN,χ,τ)
Example 4: 3d lattice
If we can impose periodic boundary conditions, can we go further away from 2D? How about 3D? We sure can! For this we can just add another dimension to the above construction for a 2d grid:
LTN = LabelledTensorNetwork{Tuple{Int,Int,Int}}();
for i∈1:L, j∈1:L, k∈1:L
i>1 && push!(adj,(i-1,j,k))
i<L && push!(adj,(i+1,j,k))
j>1 && push!(adj,(i,j-1,k))
j<L && push!(adj,(i,j+1,k))
k>1 && push!(adj,(i,j,k-1))
k<L && push!(adj,(i,j,k+1))
LTN[i,j,k] = Tensor(
value = sweep_contract!(LTN,χ,τ)
Example 5: Complete network
So how far can we go away from two-dimensional? The further we stray away from two-dimensional the more inefficient the contraction will be, but for small examples arbitrary connectivity is permissible. The extreme example is a completely connected network of n
for i=1:n
value = sweep_contract!(LTN,χ,τ)
Here we have used a TensorNetwork
instead of a LabelledTensorNetwork
. In a LabelledTensorNetwork
each tensor can be labelled by an arbitrary type, which is accomplished by storing the network as a dictionary, which can incur significant overheads. TensorNetwork
is built using vectors, which each label now needs to be labelled by an integer 1
to n
, but can be significantly faster. While less flexible, TensorNetwork
should be preferred in performance-sensitive settings.