SwipeRevealLayout icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
SwipeRevealLayout copied to clipboard

ViewBinderHelper class is holds reference to view, that is bad for ViewHolder pattern

Open spudi opened this issue 7 years ago • 4 comments

using ViewBinderHelper class is lead to incorrect binding logic, when you try to change some of view properties (visibility, item height and other)

spudi avatar Jul 10 '17 10:07 spudi

Hi. How did you handle the issue ? I have the same problem...

dev-wanjihia avatar Aug 13 '17 21:08 dev-wanjihia

Hi, I switched to another library :) https://github.com/daimajia/AndroidSwipeLayout

spudi avatar Aug 13 '17 21:08 spudi

Is there no other way of tackling this issue?

HangryCoder avatar Sep 18 '17 07:09 HangryCoder

Would it be solved making an unbind method in ViewBinderHelper and then call that in onViewRecycled?

mortenholmgaard avatar Jun 19 '18 07:06 mortenholmgaard