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Personal website

Install Jekyll

I find it best to use the conda package manager to install ruby, then use ruby to install the github-pages gem, which contains the set of gems (including Jekyll) used by GitHub Pages itself to compile each site. If conda is not already installed, install conda first. Then, pick one of two options:

1. Use conda to install ruby, then use ruby to install the github-pages gem.

To install/update to the latest version of the github-pages gem, run the following commands:

conda env update -f env_ruby.yml --prune
conda activate ruby

# Install/update to the latest version of github-pages gem
# (but don't install unnecessary documentation).
# Then cleanup old versions of installed gems.
gem install github-pages --no-document
gem cleanup

If the gem install github-pages command causes an error, try the following commands and then try installing the github-pages gem again:

sudo apt update  # update package index
sudo apt upgrade build-essential  # compilation tools

2. Directly use conda install the compiled github-pages gem.

Use the following commands to install/update Jekyll and the github-pages gem:

conda env update -f env.yml --prune
conda activate gh-pages

Note that conda-forge may not have the most up-to-date version of the github-pages gem (link), but it should work fine.


Build locally: jekyll build [options]

Serve locally: jekyll serve [options]


  • --baseurl /~chrisyeh: add this if hosting this site at some non-root domain (e.g., *.com/~chrisyeh)
  • --drafts: to show drafts among the latest posts
  • --force_polling: use this when running Jekyll on WSL to enable auto-regeneration.

Page Frontmatter Options

Variable Description
excerpt text to show on blog list and at top of post
last_updated date in YYYY-MM-DD format
layout name of layout from _layout/ folder
tags list of tags, e.g., [ML, math]
title title of post
use_code boolean, set to true to include code-highlighting CSS
use_fontawesome boolean, set to true to include FontAwesome CSS
use_math boolean, set to true to include MathJax JS
use_toc boolean, set to true to include a table of contents