Chris Warren-Smith
Chris Warren-Smith
- can't draw object over image showing/ - to array the rgb components become bgr (it is different with pc version) - pen control location return fail when touch...
- can't draw object over image showing/ - to array the rgb components become bgr (it is different with pc version) - pen control location return fail when touch...
Please fix with ASCII 0 or chr$(0) Detected as nothing on string arrays Example: a$=chr$(0)+chr$(1)+chr$(0)+chr$(255) count=len(a$) print "a$ length =",count for i=1 to count print "[",asc(mid$(a$,i,1)),"]", next i Result: a$...
Please fix with ASCII 0 or chr$(0) Detected as nothing on string arrays Example: a$=chr$(0)+chr$(1)+chr$(0)+chr$(255) count=len(a$) print "a$ length =",count for i=1 to count print "[",asc(mid$(a$,i,1)),"]", next i Result: a$...
I made a Nuklear plugin module for SmallBASIC including a semi-functional keyboard interface. see: The keyboard handling relies on a tweak to nuklear.h (commented at the bottom). Mind if...
From a review comment: _Android 13 with OneUI on a Samsung S7+ tablet: I have no way to access the editor. What was the Android menu in earlier versions is...
[] runtime.cpp - Java_net_sourceforge_smallbasic_MainActivity_setenv SIGSEGV
net.sourceforge.smallbasic.MainActivity.onPause Input dispatching timed out
There's a missing translation for spelled->spelt