docker-cartodb copied to clipboard
JS Errors in Builder and Editor with latest build
When i built off the Dockerfile in March 2017, I got a working version of builder and editor with the following cdn js versions:
cartodb.js 3.15.10 cartodbui v4.6.25
Now when I'm trying to build off of your new Dockerfile from September 2017, I've overcome the windshaft and sql api problems by using version 1.48.1 for CartoDB-SQL-API and 5.0.0 for Windshaft-cartodb.
I can upload data and see it in the data view, but the map view does not work in either Builder or Editor.
Now using cartodb.js 3.15.14 cartodbui v4.11.102
cartodb.uncompressed.js:2668 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'replace' of undefined at Object.template (cartodb.uncompressed.js:2668) at b.getTileUrl (cartodb.uncompressed.js:5417) at b._loadTile (cartodb.uncompressed.js:5488) at b._addTile (cartodb.uncompressed.js:5386) at b._addTilesFromCenterOut (cartodb.uncompressed.js:5293) at b._update (cartodb.uncompressed.js:5251) at b.onAdd (cartodb.uncompressed.js:5038) at b._layerAdd (cartodb.uncompressed.js:4785) at b.addLayer (cartodb.uncompressed.js:4243) at Function.addLayerToMap (cartodb.uncompressed.js:35992)
And the maps are non functioning. I can not click on the basemap selector.
I've tried reverting to older versions of CartoDB by changing:
RUN git clone --recursive
RUN git clone --recursive &&
cd cartodb &&
#git checkout XXXX &&\ for several different versions but then either the build fails because PosgreSQL is missing an extension or bundle install chokes on thin.
For instance if I run:
RUN git clone --recursive &&
cd cartodb &&
git checkout v4.11.59 &&\
The build fails while creating the admin user:
PG::Error: ERROR: extension "cartodb" has no update path from version "unpackaged" to ver sion "0.21.0" CONTEXT: SQL statement "CREATE EXTENSION cartodb VERSION '0.21.0' FROM unpackaged" PL/pgSQL function inline_code_block line 10 at SQL statement
@Prindle19 to fix this have you tried to checkout the master branch. That usually ensures all tags are available so it can find an update path for the Extension
So the issue is to do with your cartodb-postgresql
it doesn't have the migration scripts installed for the version 0.21.0. To fix it try this:
cd to your cartodb-postgresql directory.... assuming the repository is cloned
cd cartodb-postgresql
make all
make install