docker-cartodb copied to clipboard
502 Bad Gateway connecting to /v2 Endpoints
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The latest master of Windshaft-cartodb fails during building.
I've been able to get a couple of other versions built, but with all of them I see 502 errors for anything trying to connect to Windshaft over 8080 internally.
NGINX Logs indicate connection reset by peer
Looks like this was actually caused by CartoDB-SQL-API, Not windshaft
Overcame this by specifying 1.48.1 for that repo rather than master.
Now almost have it working but running into JS issues
Hey @Prindle19, did you manage to solve the JS issues? was it a 400 code when requesting*%20from%20cdb_dataservices_client.cdb_service_quota_info()
I did not. I ended up going back to an older docker image from March where everything was working. Frustrating, would love to have a stable build path for new images.
@Prindle19 I'm trying to find all the versions that worked withouth throwing the /user/admin/api/v2/sql?q=select%20*%20from%20cdb_dataservices_client.cdb_service_quota_info()
issue? On your prior comment you mention you have an image that works. Could you tell me the commit ids of 4 repos?
@eduramirezh if you manage to get carto working without the issue the question above is also for you.