Rnightlights copied to clipboard
Error running the Rnighlights code
Thank you for creating this wonderful package. I had a problem when running the code. Please find below, I'd appreciate your support in resolving it.
#load libraries library(Rnightlights) library(lubridate) library(reshape2)
getCtryNlData("KEN", "KEN_adm0", "VIIRS.Y", nlPeriods = nlRange("2015", "2016"), nlStats = "sum", ignoreMissing=FALSE)
#The results below is what I then see
Error in if (!file.exists(ntLtsPageLocalName) || file.size(ntLtsPageLocalName) == : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Once again, thank you.
I am having exactly the same issue, thank you in advance.
Apologies for the late response. Please post the code that you are running.
Hi, @chrisvwn!
just the example from the web:
library(Rnightlights) library(lubridate) library(reshape2)
#(Optional performance enhancement if you have aria2c and gdal installed) pkgOptions(downloadMethod = "aria", cropMaskMethod = "gdal", extractMethod = "gdal", deleteTiles = TRUE)
#Optional performance enhancement. If extractMethod="rast" you can specify the number of #CPU cores to use in parallel #pkgOptions(extractMethod = "rast", numCores=4)
ctry <- "TUR" #replace to run for any other country
#download and process monthly VIIRS stats at the highest admin level highestAdmLevelStats <- getCtryNlData(ctryCode = ctry, admLevel = "highest", nlType = "VIIRS.M", nlPeriods = nlRange("201401", "201412"), nlStats = list("sum",na.rm=TRUE), ignoreMissing=FALSE)
#Optionally plot the data library(ggplot2) library(plotly)
#melt the stats into key-value format for easy multi-line plotting with ggplot2 highestAdmLevelStats <- melt(highestAdmLevelStats, id.vars = grep("NL_", names(highestAdmLevelStats), invert=TRUE), variable.name = "nlPeriod", value.name = "radiancesum")
#extract date from the NL col names highestAdmLevelStats$nlPeriod <- substr(highestAdmLevelStats$nlPeriod, 12, 17)
#format period as date highestAdmLevelStats$nlPeriod <- ymd(paste0(substr(highestAdmLevelStats$nlPeriod, 1,4), "-",substr(highestAdmLevelStats$nlPeriod, 5,6), "-01"))
#plot 2nd admin level sums for the year g <- ggplot(data = highestAdmLevelStats, aes(x=nlPeriod, y=radiancesum, color=highestAdmLevelStats[[2]])) + scale_x_date(date_breaks = "1 month", date_labels = "%Y-%m")+ geom_line()+geom_point() + labs(color = names(highestAdmLevelStats)[2]) + xlab("Month") + ylab("Sum of Radiances") + ggtitle(paste0(unique(names(highestAdmLevelStats)[2]), " sum of radiances for ", ctry))
#quick conversion to interactive map with plotly ggplotly(g)
Okay. Which version of Rnightlights do you have?
Rnightlights version
Dear Chris, I run the following code library(Rnightlights) library(lubridate) library(reshape2) ctry <- "IND" #replace to run for any other country highestAdmLevelStats <- getCtryNlData(ctryCode = ctry, admLevel = "highest", nlType = "VIIRS.M", nlPeriods = nlRange("201401", "201405","VIIRS.M"), nlStats = list("sum",na.rm=TRUE), ignoreMissing=FALSE)
and I am getting the following error message. I have the latest version of nightlight and updated versions of all the package. Any help from your side is highly appreciated
processing missing data: IND:VIIRS.M:VCMCFG:avg_rade9:201401:sum, VIIRS.M:VCMCFG:avg_rade9:201402:sum, VIIRS.M:VCMCFG:avg_rade9:201403:sum, VIIRS.M:VCMCFG:avg_rade9:201404:sum, VIIRS.M:VCMCFG:avg_rade9:201405:sum. This may take a while. Note: Set 'ignoreMissing=TRUE' to return only data found or 'ignoreMissing=NULL' to return NULL if not all the data is found 2021-09-03 16:57:09: **** START PROCESSING: ctryCodes=IND, admLevels=list(IND = "gadm36_IND_1"), nlTypes=VIIRS.M, configNames=VCMCFG, extensions=avg_rade9, multiTileStrategy=all, multiTileMergeFun=mean, removeGasFlaresMethod=VTM, nlPeriods=c("201401", "201402", "201403", "201404", "201405"), nlStats=list(list("sum", na.rm = TRUE)), custPolyPath=NULL, gadmVersion=3.6, gadmPolyType=shpZip, downloadMethod=auto, cropMaskMethod=rast, extractMethod=rast**** 2021-09-03 16:57:09: Downloading country polygons ... | | 0%2021-09-03 16:57:09: Downloading polygon: IND 2021-09-03 16:57:09: Downloading ctry poly: IND 2021-09-03 16:57:09: Downloading ctry shpZip: IND 2021-09-03 16:57:09: Polygon dir for IND:3.6 already exists |===============================================================================================================| 100% 2021-09-03 16:57:09: Downloading country polygons ... DONE 2021-09-03 16:57:09: **** PROCESSING nlType:VIIRS.M | configName: VCMCFG | extension: avg_rade9 | nlPeriod:201401**** 2021-09-03 16:57:09: Checking tiles required for VIIRS.M 201401 2021-09-03 16:57:09: IND: Stats missing. Adding tiles 2021-09-03 16:57:09: numTiles: 1, Required tiles: 75N060E 2021-09-03 16:57:09: Downloading tile (1/1): 2014013 2021-09-03 16:57:11: Download token expired. Refresh token expired. Requesting new [1] "The request failed with status code: 401" [1] "The error is: unauthorized_client" "The error is: Invalid client secret" Cache-Control X-XSS-Protection Pragma "no-store" "1; mode=block" "no-cache" X-Frame-Options Referrer-Policy Date "SAMEORIGIN" "no-referrer" "Fri, 03 Sep 2021 11:27:12 GMT" Connection Strict-Transport-Security X-Content-Type-Options "keep-alive" "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains" "nosniff" Content-Type Content-Length status "application/json" "75" "401" statusMessage "Unauthorized" [1] "Please ensure the username and password saved can login on the EOG site" trying URL 'https://eogdata.mines.edu/wwwdata/viirs_products/dnb_composites/v10//201401/vcmcfg/SVDNB_npp_20140101-20140131_75N060E_vcmcfg_v10_c201506171538.tgz' Error in utils::download.file(url = ntLtsFileUrl, destfile = ntLtsZipLocalNamePathVIIRS, : cannot open URL 'https://eogdata.mines.edu/wwwdata/viirs_products/dnb_composites/v10//201401/vcmcfg/SVDNB_npp_20140101-20140131_75N060E_vcmcfg_v10_c201506171538.tgz' In addition: Warning message: In utils::download.file(url = ntLtsFileUrl, destfile = ntLtsZipLocalNamePathVIIRS, : cannot open URL 'https://eogdata.mines.edu/wwwdata/viirs_products/dnb_composites/v10//201401/vcmcfg/SVDNB_npp_20140101-20140131_75N060E_vcmcfg_v10_c201506171538.tgz': HTTP status was '401 Unauthorized'
I'm having the same issue as the person above, but I have ensured my login credentials are correct. Any idea what is causing it not to register?
So the package has not been maintained for a while and I guess there have been changes upstream. I may not be able to update the package any time soon. Please see if you can find an alternative for your use.
Okay, no worries. Thanks for letting us know! All the best.