obs-chat icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
obs-chat copied to clipboard

Also known as CVTalk is a Twitch chat viewer made with React for use in OBS or any streaming software capable of using a browser as a source including TTS and other cool features.


A Twitch chat viewer with a TTS integrated, made with React for use in OBS or any streaming software capable of using a browser as a source, which, in addition to using the twitch API, uses WebSockets to connect to their IRC server.

You can use it in two ways...

Building it

Prerequisites: You need to have an account on Twitch Developers to use the console for register an application and get the client ID. Then on the application panel you need to register the allowed URLs to redirect in case of a OAuth login (Always you need to register the URL "http://localhost:5173/" to develop in this repo)

In order to launch or build the App you need to have an .env file like this

VITE_CLIENT_ID=dasdpljsadjpojsdiofgbhdfaiuogvb //the client ID given form the Twitch Developres console
VITE_CHANNEL=chrisvdev // only for development if you need to hardcode the channel to watch
VITE_DEFAULT_AVATAR=<some URL o build Path> //to change the default avatar 
VITE_REDIRECT_URI=https://obs-chat.christianvillegas.com/&scope=chat%3Aread //only for build, if you don't give it the default redirect is to http://localhost:5173/&scope=chat%3Aread

Use it

Go to the project web page 😉
