flask-session2 icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
flask-session2 copied to clipboard

fix(deps) Update all non-major dependencies

Open renovate[bot] opened this issue 1 year ago • 2 comments

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Change Age Adoption Passing Confidence Type Update
@semantic-release/npm 11.0.2 -> 11.0.3 age adoption passing confidence devDependencies patch
Flask (changelog) 2.2.5 -> 2.3.3 age adoption passing confidence dependencies minor
Flask-SQLAlchemy (changelog) 3.0.5 -> 3.1.1 age adoption passing confidence dev-dependencies minor
asottile/pyupgrade v3.15.0 -> v3.17.0 age adoption passing confidence repository minor
bandit (source, changelog) 1.7.5 -> 1.7.10 age adoption passing confidence dev-dependencies patch
boto3 1.33.13 -> 1.35.37 age adoption passing confidence dev-dependencies minor
cachelib (changelog) ^0.10.0 -> ^0.13.0 age adoption passing confidence dependencies minor
coverage 7.2.7 -> 7.6.2 age adoption passing confidence dev-dependencies minor
elasticsearch 8.12.0 -> 8.15.1 age adoption passing confidence dev-dependencies minor
google-cloud-datastore 2.19.0 -> 2.20.1 age adoption passing confidence dev-dependencies minor
google-cloud-firestore 2.14.0 -> 2.19.0 age adoption passing confidence dev-dependencies minor
isort (source, changelog) 5.11.5 -> 5.13.2 age adoption passing confidence dev-dependencies minor
macisamuele/language-formatters-pre-commit-hooks v2.12.0 -> v2.14.0 age adoption passing confidence repository minor
myint/autoflake v2.2.1 -> v2.3.1 age adoption passing confidence repository minor
mypy (source, changelog) 1.4.1 -> 1.11.2 age adoption passing confidence dev-dependencies minor
peewee 3.17.0 -> 3.17.6 age adoption passing confidence dev-dependencies patch
pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks v4.5.0 -> v4.6.0 age adoption passing confidence repository minor
pymongo 4.7.3 -> 4.10.1 age adoption passing confidence dev-dependencies minor
redis (changelog) 5.0.1 -> 5.1.1 age adoption passing confidence dev-dependencies minor
semantic-release 23.0.0 -> 23.1.1 age adoption passing confidence devDependencies minor
supercharge/mongodb-github-action v1.10.0 -> 1.11.0 age adoption passing confidence action minor
tox (changelog) 4.8.0 -> 4.21.2 age adoption passing confidence dev-dependencies minor

Note: The pre-commit manager in Renovate is not supported by the pre-commit maintainers or community. Please do not report any problems there, instead create a Discussion in the Renovate repository if you have any questions.

Release Notes

semantic-release/npm (@​semantic-release/npm)


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Bug Fixes

even though our existing range allowed anyone to update as soon as the new npm version was available, this will encourage being on a version that does not report the ip vulnerability a bit more forcefully

pallets/flask (Flask)


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Released 2023-08-21

  • Python 3.12 compatibility.
  • Require Werkzeug >= 2.3.7.
  • Use flit_core instead of setuptools as build backend.
  • Refactor how an app's root and instance paths are determined. :issue:5160


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Released 2023-05-01

  • Set Vary: Cookie header when the session is accessed, modified, or refreshed.
  • Update Werkzeug requirement to >=2.3.3 to apply recent bug fixes.


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Released 2023-04-25

  • Restore deprecated from flask import Markup. :issue:5084


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Released 2023-04-25

  • Drop support for Python 3.7. :pr:5072

  • Update minimum requirements to the latest versions: Werkzeug>=2.3.0, Jinja2>3.1.2, itsdangerous>=2.1.2, click>=8.1.3.

  • Remove previously deprecated code. :pr:4995

    • The push and pop methods of the deprecated _app_ctx_stack and _request_ctx_stack objects are removed. top still exists to give extensions more time to update, but it will be removed.
    • The FLASK_ENV environment variable, ENV config key, and app.env property are removed.
    • The session_cookie_name, send_file_max_age_default, use_x_sendfile, propagate_exceptions, and templates_auto_reload properties on app are removed.
    • The app.before_first_request and bp.before_app_first_request decorators are removed.
    • json_encoder and json_decoder attributes on app and blueprint, and the corresponding json.JSONEncoder and JSONDecoder classes, are removed.
    • The json.htmlsafe_dumps and htmlsafe_dump functions are removed.
    • Calling setup methods on blueprints after registration is an error instead of a warning. :pr:4997
  • Importing escape and Markup from flask is deprecated. Import them directly from markupsafe instead. :pr:4996

  • The app.got_first_request property is deprecated. :pr:4997

  • The locked_cached_property decorator is deprecated. Use a lock inside the decorated function if locking is needed. :issue:4993

  • Signals are always available. blinker>=1.6.2 is a required dependency. The signals_available attribute is deprecated. :issue:5056

  • Signals support async subscriber functions. :pr:5049

  • Remove uses of locks that could cause requests to block each other very briefly. :issue:4993

  • Use modern packaging metadata with pyproject.toml instead of setup.cfg. :pr:4947

  • Ensure subdomains are applied with nested blueprints. :issue:4834

  • config.from_file can use text=False to indicate that the parser wants a binary file instead. :issue:4989

  • If a blueprint is created with an empty name it raises a ValueError. :issue:5010

  • SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN does not fall back to SERVER_NAME. The default is not to set the domain, which modern browsers interpret as an exact match rather than a subdomain match. Warnings about localhost and IP addresses are also removed. :issue:5051

  • The routes command shows each rule's subdomain or host when domain matching is in use. :issue:5004

  • Use postponed evaluation of annotations. :pr:5071

asottile/pyupgrade (asottile/pyupgrade)


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PyCQA/bandit (bandit)


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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/PyCQA/bandit/compare/1.7.9...1.7.10


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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/PyCQA/bandit/compare/1.7.8...1.7.9


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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/PyCQA/bandit/compare/1.7.7...1.7.8


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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/PyCQA/bandit/compare/1.7.6...1.7.7


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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: https://github.com/PyCQA/bandit/compare/1.7.5...1.7.6

boto/boto3 (boto3)


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  • api-change:codepipeline: [botocore] AWS CodePipeline introduces a Compute category


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  • api-change:elasticache: [botocore] AWS ElastiCache SDK now supports using APIs with newly launched Valkey engine. Please refer to updated AWS ElastiCache public documentation for detailed information on API usage.
  • api-change:memorydb: [botocore] Amazon MemoryDB SDK now supports all APIs for newly launched Valkey engine. Please refer to the updated Amazon MemoryDB public documentation for detailed information on API usage.
  • enhancement:Python: [botocore] Added provisional Python 3.13 support to Botocore
  • enhancement:Python: Added provisional Python 3.13 support to Boto3


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  • api-change:deadline: [botocore] Add support for using the template from a previous job during job creation and listing parameter definitions for a job.
  • api-change:marketplace-reporting: [botocore] Documentation-only update for AWS Marketplace Reporting API.
  • api-change:qconnect: [botocore] This release adds support for the following capabilities: Configuration of the Gen AI system via AIAgent and AIPrompts. Integration support for Bedrock Knowledge Base.
  • api-change:redshift: [botocore] Add validation pattern to S3KeyPrefix on the EnableLogging API


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  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Documentation updates for Amazon EC2.
  • api-change:iot-data: [botocore] Add v2 smoke tests and smithy smokeTests trait for SDK testing.


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  • api-change:codepipeline: [botocore] AWS CodePipeline introduces Commands action that enables you to easily run shell commands as part of your pipeline execution.
  • api-change:connect: [botocore] Public GetMetricDataV2 Grouping increase from 3 to 4
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] This release includes a new API for modifying instance cpu-options after launch.
  • api-change:iot: [botocore] This release adds support for Custom Authentication with X.509 Client Certificates, support for Custom Client Certificate validation, and support for selecting application protocol and authentication type without requiring TLS ALPN for customer's AWS IoT Domain Configurations.
  • api-change:marketplace-reporting: [botocore] The AWS Marketplace Reporting service introduces the GetBuyerDashboard API. This API returns a dashboard that provides visibility into your organization's AWS Marketplace agreements and associated spend across the AWS accounts in your organization.
  • api-change:mediapackagev2: [botocore] Added support for ClipStartTime on the FilterConfiguration object on OriginEndpoint manifest settings objects. Added support for EXT-X-START tags on produced HLS child playlists.
  • api-change:quicksight: [botocore] QuickSight: Add support for exporting and importing folders in AssetBundle APIs
  • enhancement:AWSCRT: [botocore] Update awscrt version to 0.22.0


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  • api-change:appstream: [botocore] Added support for Automatic Time Zone Redirection on Amazon AppStream 2.0
  • api-change:b2bi: [botocore] Added and updated APIs to support outbound EDI transformations
  • api-change:bedrock-agent-runtime: [botocore] Added raw model response and usage metrics to PreProcessing and PostProcessing Trace
  • api-change:bedrock-runtime: [botocore] Added new fields to Amazon Bedrock Guardrails trace
  • api-change:iotdeviceadvisor: [botocore] Add clientToken attribute and implement idempotency for CreateSuiteDefinition.
  • api-change:ivs-realtime: [botocore] Adds new Stage Health EventErrorCodes applicable to RTMP(S) broadcasts. Bug Fix: Enforces that EncoderConfiguration Video height and width must be even-number values.
  • api-change:s3: [botocore] This release introduces a header representing the minimum object size limit for Lifecycle transitions.
  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] releasing builtinlcc to public
  • api-change:workspaces: [botocore] WSP is being rebranded to become DCV.


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  • api-change:bedrock-agent: [botocore] This release adds support to stop an ongoing ingestion job using the StopIngestionJob API in Agents for Amazon Bedrock.
  • api-change:codeartifact: [botocore] Add support for the dual stack endpoints.
  • api-change:rds: [botocore] This release provides additional support for enabling Aurora Limitless Database DB clusters.


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  • api-change:bedrock: [botocore] Add support for custom models via provisioned throughput for Bedrock Model Evaluation
  • api-change:clouddirectory: [botocore] Add examples for API operations in model.
  • api-change:connect: [botocore] Amazon Connect introduces StartOutboundChatContact API allowing customers to initiate outbound chat contacts
  • api-change:pricing: [botocore] Add examples for API operations in model.
  • api-change:resource-groups: [botocore] This update includes new APIs to support application groups and to allow users to manage resource tag-sync tasks in applications.
  • api-change:supplychain: [botocore] Release DataLakeDataset, DataIntegrationFlow and ResourceTagging APIs for AWS Supply Chain
  • api-change:timestream-influxdb: [botocore] Timestream for InfluxDB now supports port configuration and additional customer-modifiable InfluxDB v2 parameters. This release adds Port to the CreateDbInstance and UpdateDbInstance API, and additional InfluxDB v2 parameters to the CreateDbParameterGroup API.
  • api-change:verifiedpermissions: [botocore] Add examples for API operations in model.


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  • api-change:customer-profiles: [botocore] Introduces optional RoleArn parameter for PutIntegration request and includes RoleArn in the response of PutIntegration, GetIntegration and ListIntegrations
  • api-change:quicksight: [botocore] Adding personalization in QuickSight data stories. Admins can enable or disable personalization through QuickSight settings.
  • api-change:securityhub: [botocore] Documentation updates for AWS Security Hub
  • api-change:sesv2: [botocore] This release adds support for engagement tracking over Https using custom domains.


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  • api-change:chatbot: [botocore] Return State and StateReason fields for Chatbot Channel Configurations.
  • api-change:lambda: [botocore] Reverting Lambda resource-based policy and block public access APIs.
  • api-change:organizations: [botocore] Add support for policy operations on the CHATBOT_POLICY policy type.
  • api-change:pcs: [botocore] AWS PCS API documentation - Edited the description of the iamInstanceProfileArn parameter of the CreateComputeNodeGroup and UpdateComputeNodeGroup actions; edited the description of the SlurmCustomSetting data type to list the supported parameters for clusters and compute node groups.
  • api-change:rds-data: [botocore] Documentation update for RDS Data API to reflect support for Aurora MySQL Serverless v2 and Provisioned DB clusters.
  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] Adding TagPropagation attribute to Sagemaker API


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  • api-change:cloudtrail: [botocore] Doc-only update for CloudTrail network activity events release (in preview)
  • api-change:ec2: [botocore] Updates to documentation for the transit gateway security group referencing feature.
  • api-change:fsx: [botocore] Doc-only update to address Lustre S3 hard-coded names.
  • api-change:worklink: [botocore] The worklink client has been removed following the deprecation of the service.


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  • api-change:bedrock: [botocore] Add support for Cross Region Inference in Bedrock Model Evaluations.
  • api-change:budgets: [botocore] Releasing minor partitional endpoint updates
  • api-change:kinesis: [botocore] This release includes support to add tags when creating a stream
  • api-change:pinpoint-sms-voice-v2: [botocore] AWS End User Messaging SMS-Voice V2 has added support for resource policies. Use the three new APIs to create, view, edit, and delete resource policies.
  • api-change:sagemaker: [botocore] Adding HiddenInstanceTypes and HiddenSageMakerImageVersionAliases attribute to SageMaker API


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  • api-change:apigateway: [botocore] Documentation updates for Amazon API Gateway
  • api-change:athena: [botocore] List/Get/Update/Delete/CreateDataCatalog now integrate with AWS Glue connections. Users can create a Glue connection through


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renovate[bot] avatar Feb 11 '24 06:02 renovate[bot]