Chris Hill
Chris Hill
@simone-silvestri the next_stream() below looks like is might work - what do you think? ``` using KernelAbstractions, CUDA, CUDAKernels, Test function cuda_add_1!(c) i = threadIdx().x j = blockIdx().x @inbounds c[i,...
@helenstt and @adcroft we will track something down and add/update some links. This is an important piece of computing archaeology/history!
Greg Do you think there are standard names from the CF conventions and related WMO catalogs we could adopt/coopt? Those tend to be recognized widely and used in downstream tools...
Is it possible to define the base functions differently (or a variant with a special type) e.g. instead of ``` """ Molecular weight dry air (kg/mol) """ function molmass_dryair end...
OCEANTURbrary - if you want something unique to google?
> Hello everyone, > > This feature is something I'd really like implemented, and over the next few weeks I think I should be able to set some time aside...
@fraserwg - yes I can do that later. I was thinking a bit more too. An alternate approach might be to have a script/program that took MITgcm tiled and made...
@rabernat - thanks. I'll track down @jahn . I think I can see a way to do this, but I haven't thought it through. @jahn has something working with lots...
> > I've managed to get the `read_mds` function happy with reading output from an individual tile and have modified the code in `mds_store` to allow the `_MDSDataStore` class to...
Hi All, Quick update. So we are getting about 150 - 200 MB/s mirroring stuff to the OSN location (using bbftp). So not great, but not terrible and stuff is...