Chris Hill
Chris Hill
P.S. @mmazloff and @menemenlis we are still looking for a test setup for this.....
P.S. @mmazloff and @menemenlis we are still looking for a test setup for this.....
@menemenlis we can't merge this until we have a test case!
P.S. @mmazloff and @menemenlis we are still looking for a test setup for this.....
@mmazloff not sure! Either ```obcs_ctrl``` or ```dome``` seems like best choices to me. ```obcs_ctrl``` currently only runs tests within adjoint cycle. What do you prefer? Alternatively we could add something...
@jklymak that would be great, python init is great. Be great to have some tides related reference experiments that are connected to your work.
@jm-c should we add this to ``` seaice_ibcs```
@menemenlis any news on this
Canadian Thanksgiving I assume
@menemenlis - any luck with this?