Chris Lovell
Chris Lovell
When teaching the [plotting episode]( the only major omission that comes to mind is colormaps. This is one of the major means of showing a third data 'axis', and would...
I'd like to export a 'lightweight' version of my GP model. The use case would be to make an interactive online version. Right now if I pickle my `GP` instance...
Using an over refine factor greater than zero leads to a broadcasting error. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/c.lovell/codes/powderday_chris/", line 74, in m, xcent, ycent, zcent, dx, dy, dz,...
Added the dense basis method as a parametric functional SFH component. Works exactly like any other functional SFH form. Example plotting script provided. Added `dense_basis` module and `statsmodels` modules...
Parametric histories in particular are defined in SFR space, so to get the current stellar mass requires an assumed recycling fraction. This will be SPS model dependent. We could provide...
When creating a parametric stars component, if you set the `initial_mass` this has zero effect unless you're using functional forms for the SFH and Z distributions. This can be confusing...
Comprehensive update of the documentation. In progress. ## Issue Type - Document ## Checklist - [ ] I have read the []() --> - [ ] I have added docstrings...
Swaps integration routines from `quad` to the trapezoid method. The former is exceedingly slow for little benefit, especially since it is often applied to linearly interpolated data anyway. ## Issue...
Shouldn't this be `get_spectra_intrinsic`? Since it allows you to choose an escape fraction
Right now in the pacman model `f_esc` controls escape from photoionisation regions as well as light that remains unattenuated by ISM dust. We should have two parameters controlling both of...