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HanserModelica is a Modelica open source educational library on electrical engineering with a particaular focus on polyphase electrical machines
HanserModelica is a Modelica open source educational library on object oriented modeling applied to electrical engineering and a particular focus on polyphase electric machines. This library is based on a book published in German by Hanser Fachbuchverlag.
Watch the YouTube video on creating the model FirstSteps.Example4
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Content of the book (translated to English)
- Fundemantals
- Modelica
- First steps (see YouTube video FirstSteps.Electrical4)
- Variables and types
- Modelica classes and concepts
- Modeling concepts
- Polyphase electrical machines
- Induction machines
- Synchronous machines
- GitHub tutorial
- Tutorial based on the Modelica library FirstSteps
Inhaltsverzeichnis des Buchs (German)
- Grundlagen
- Modelica
- Erste Schritte (siehe YouTube-Video FirstSteps.Electrical4)
- Variablen und Datentypen
- Klassen und Konzepte
- Modellierungskonzepte
- Drehfeldmaschinen
- Asynchronmaschinen
- Synchronmaschinen
- GitHub Tutorial
- Tutorial basierend auf der Modelica-Library FirstSteps