Christian Herweg

Results 14 comments of Christian Herweg

Hey. Great project, thank you for publishing! Could you release a preview of your terraform code or a setup guideline? regards Christian

CloudWatch, AWS monitoring service can be used monitor a NAT gateway via information it collects from the specified NAT gateway. This information is collected and presented in readable metrics at...

@cbruno10 : Is this a proper way, that we could implement in steampipe?

Hey everyone, in my opinion optimistic version locking is the correct way to deploy needed changes in the lib supply chain fast. (--> see aws-sdk in logstash mixin) I´ve tested...

But as you can see elastic fixed it by pinning sinatra, too: to "repair" your dependecy to sinatra you could do something like: ``` cd logstash-7.16.2 perl -i -pe...

Waiting for: It is not possible to use a aws-sdk version > 2 until mixin is upgrading.

Since today we have a preview of logstash-integration-aws. So, here we go: ``` declare -a PluginList=("logstash-input-s3-sns-sqs" "logstash-input-s3" "logstash-input-sqs" "logstash-output-s3" "logstash-output-sns" "logstash-output-sqs" "logstash-output-cloudwatch" "logstash-mixin-aws") LOGSTASH_HOME=${LOGSTASH_HOME:-'.'} for plugin in ${PluginList[@]}; do echo...

The problem is the old aws_sdk used in logstash. I pushed elastic to update logstash_mixin_aws...

Oh you are right. Probably an copyn´paste failure... Default behaviour is to delete the sqs message if the logprocessor was not able to return in time: I´ll fix this...

s3_role_arn is removed with 2.1 i think... Please use the example in the docs: ``` s3_options_by_bucket => [ { bucket_name => "logs-bucket-222222222222-.*" credentials => { role => "arn:aws:iam::222222222222:role/logging-role" }...