I've tried this : ```java @Mapper( componentModel = "spring", injectionStrategy = InjectionStrategy.CONSTRUCTOR, nullValueIterableMappingStrategy = NullValueMappingStrategy.RETURN_DEFAULT, nullValueMappingStrategy = NullValueMappingStrategy.RETURN_DEFAULT, unmappedTargetPolicy = ReportingPolicy.IGNORE ) public interface ClientDocumentMapper { @Mapping(target = "labels", expression...
I just realised that `ClientDocumentDto to(ClientDocument clientDocument);`was missing... But still, using the strategy didn't produce en empty ArrayList for labels. I had to use this strategy to replace the null...
Support for GWT 3.0 is on it's way. Everything is now using annotation processors on our end. Next step will be to make sure that the libraries we use will...
From the outside, it may seems like it, but it is mostly because they're putting all efforts on the new compiler. We're moving to Dagger indeed with GWTP 2.0. We've...
I'm not sure if it will work but, GQuery uses browser native events. Tap event is "tap" and you should be able to bind on it.
Okay, it seems like if "tap" isn't a native event. +1 for GQuery-Mobile then! :D
Not a dream, but a requested feature that we should definitely work on!
You could probably look at gesture events instead: Touch events is probably what you're looking for (touch start, touch ends and starting a timer on touch start of 300ms,...
Ok, I got it. I never had to include this dependency before : testImplementation "${restAssuredVersion}" But it is now needed. It would be great to add this detail in the...