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Elastic beat to call commands in a regular interval and send the result to Logstash, Elasticsearch

Results 17 execbeat issues
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Update to ES 7.x. Focus is to get it running a make mandatory changes. Polishing will be done in a later release. - [ ] Code - [ ] Tests...

Hi, I'm trying to use execbeat with ES7.*. I know, this is not officially supported but I need it eagerly. I receive following error: _**2020/10/18 16:05:48.429281 client.go:447: WARN Can not...

Hi, We added a name key to each command so that users can give a unique name to each command for any downstream processing. Also added the argument to be...

Hi, This is the output.elasticsearch details: output.elasticsearch: # Array of hosts to connect to. hosts: ["localhost:9200"] By default it should create an index in elastic search with execbeat+date But I...

Hi , I am running a batch file in execbeat . Output looks like below . Siebel Enterprise Applications Siebel Server Manager, Version [23057] LANG_INDEPENDENT Copyright (c) 2008,2016, Oracle....

Hi, I tried the following: command: sometool arg1 arg2 arg: Error: couldn't fork command: /usr/bin/bash /full/path/to/script_that_contains_the_above_command_and_args.sh arg: Error: couldn't fork command: /full/path/to/script_that_contains_the_above_command_and_args.sh arg: Error: couldn't fork Finally this worked: command:...

Hi @christiangalsterer I get an error while running iptables commands using execbeat. ## Error Debug ``` _2019-04-22T10:42:31Z ERR An error occured while executing command: exec: not started 2019-04-22T10:43:31Z ERR An...

There's a typo on the README. ``` Starting Execbeat as Service Where supported Execbeat can be started also using the respetive service scripts, e.g. etc/init.d/execsbeat. ``` Should be **/etc/init.d/execbeat**.

Hi, I needed a mode in which external app will produce several lines of output that can be indexed in Elasticsearch separately. In my case it will be a JSON...


This would be a neat way to handle multiline in a docker environment by wrapping apps that are not logstash-aware in this beat, handling multiline and sending the results on...
