Christian Fenzl
Christian Fenzl
Depending to the commit it would be fine to select a configured Kodi instance by the URL, and the App directly connects to that instance. In the app, there...
Hello, This feature wish maybe is similar to #49 and #30: Like the annotation file, I would like a "metric human name" file, that is read and send as metric...
… and save it in general.json - Show Field in the Miniserver widget - Field is allowed to stay empty - Show button to request data - No automatic...
Das Gateway braucht eine eigene Loglevel-Einstellung, damit man das getrennt vom System einstellen kann. - UI to select for notifications: None/Success/Only Errors - Notify as configured
TLS listener für Mosquitto mit einem Zertifikat von Sven's SSL-Script Dieses Sende delay ist in unserer Version der Lib hardcoded, weil am Pi die Lib bei raschen Sendefolgen vom Mosquitto getrennt wurde (kein Bug in der Lib, nur am...
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