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SPL cheatsheet for Splunk.
layout: page title: "Splunk Cheatsheet" permalink: /spl
Splunk Quick Cheat Sheet
DNS Lookup
| lookup dnslookup clientip as dest_ip OUTPUT clienthost as dest_host
DNS Independent IP Resolution
| inputlookup tHostInfo
| search src_ip=$IPADDRESS$ OR src_host=$HOSTNAME$
Event Frequency
| stats count by signature
`comment("define varriables")`
| eval days = 10
| eval events_perShift = round(count / ((days * 24)/4),3)
| eval events_perDay = round(count / days,2)
| eval events_perWeek = round(count / (days / 7),2)
| sort - count
| fields - count days
| table signature events_perShift events_perDay events_perWeek
| addcoltotals labelfield=signature label=Total
Get the earliest and latest time for an observed field value
| stats earliest(_time) as firstTime latest(_time) as lastTime by dest
| eval firstTime=strftime(firstTime,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| eval lastTime=strftime(lastTime,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
List All Available Indexes with Events
| eventcount summarize=false index=*
| search count!=0
| dedup index
| fields - server
List All Available Non-Internal Indexes with Events
| eventcount summarize=false index=*
| search count!=0 NOT index IN (audit_summary, cim_modactions, endpoint_summary, lastchanceindex, notable, notable_summary, risk, summary, tc_app_logs, threat_activity)
| dedup index
| fields - server
List All Available Sourcetypes in an Index
| metadata type=sourcetypes index=foo
| eval firstTime=strftime(firstTime,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| eval lastTime=strftime(lastTime,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| eval recentTime=strftime(recentTime,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
Better FieldSummary with Event Coverage
index=pa_log sourcetype="pan:traffic" | fieldsummary
| eventstats max(count) as total
| eval event_coverage = round(((count / total)*100),2)."%"
Lower case all fields
| foreach "*" [eval <<FIELD>>=lower('<<FIELD>>') ]
Make time human readable
eval mytime=strftime(_time,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
Remove Domain from Device
|rex field=dest "^(?<dest>.*?)[\.|$]"
**Normalize User Field from WinEventlog
| eval user=lower(if(match(user,".*\\\\.*"), replace(user,".*\\\\",""), user)),
Get current user context
| rest /services/authentication/current-context splunk_server=loacal
Group By Octet
2 Octets
| rex field=src_ip "(?<subnet>\d+\.\d+)+\.\d+\.\d+"
| stats count by subnet
3 Octets
| rex field=ip "(?<subnet>\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\.\d+"
| stats count by subnet
Use of now
| eval yesterday=relative_time(now(), "-1d@d")
Turn a field into csv format
| fields mv_foo
| mvcombine mv_foo delim=","
| nomv mv_foo
Turn a field into csv format 2
| fields mv_foo
| eval mf_foo_csv = mvjoin(mv_foo,", ")
Expand multivalued field
| fields foo
| mvcombine foo delim=","
| nomv foo
Sankey Multistaged
2 staged
| table src_ip dest_port dest_ip
| appendpipe [stats count by src_ip dest_port | rename src_ip as source, dest_port as target]
| appendpipe [stats count by dest_port dest_ip | rename dest_port as source, dest_ip as target]
| search source=*
| fields source target count
3 staged
| table src_ip signature category dest_ip
| appendpipe [stats count by src_ip signature | rename src_ip as source, signature as target]
| appendpipe [stats count by signature category | rename signature as source, category as target]
| appendpipe [stats count by category dest_ip | rename category as source, dest_ip as target]
| search source=*
| fields source target count
Search time in a lookup
Incident Review is used as an example
| inputlookup incident_review_lookup
| addinfo
| eval yesterday=relative_time(now(), "-1d@d")
| where (time >= yesterday AND time <= info_max_time)
Find hosts that haven not checked in in a specified amount of time
| stats latest(_time) as lastTime earliest(_time) as firstTime by hostnames
`comment("change the "-30d" to choose a date that we haven't seen assets check in by")`
| eval recent = if(lastTime > relative_time(now(),"-30d"),1,0), realLatest = strftime(latest,"%c")
| eval firstTime=strftime(firstTime,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| eval lastTime=strftime(lastTime,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
| where recent=0
search | join type=inner
| join type=left max=0
| join type=inner overwrite=false genre_id
[| {search} | rename id as genre_id ]
CPE Extraction
.... spl filtering
| dedup agent_names
| fields installed_software{} agent_names sourcetype
| rename installed_software{} as installed_software
| mvexpand installed_software
| eval installed_software1 = split(installed_software,":")
| eval vendor = mvindex(installed_software1,2)
| eval product = mvindex(installed_software1,3)
| eval version = mvindex(installed_software1,4)
| eval service_pack = mvindex(installed_software1,5)
| rename installed_software as cpe
| table agent_names product vendor version service_pack cpe