There should be a test dataset to practice the review on. This would be helpful for both the process on github, as well as on the olatform, once it is...
Die Anforderungsanalyse innerhalb des Projektes SIROP sammelt gestellte Anforderungen an die OEP und bildet ein Gesamtkonzept zu deren Weiterentwicklung. Die identifizierten Anforderungen werden gelistet, in Issues geschrieben und in GitHub-Projekte...
This was requested in a user test. Bundles here can broadly be described as collections of several datasets including their metadata.
There should be an embargo area for data sets going through a teared publishing process. This can be the case when data is only in formation or when a period...
## Description of the issue As pointed out by @carstenhoyerklick there should be a way to handle the [Helmholtz Kernel Information Profile]( in oemetadata or to at least map it....
If a **table** comes from one **source** it's fairly simple to connect the source to the original data. As soon as there are two sources for one table it's not...
resources seem to define data on a different level than dcat. resources wants to describe columns of tables. dcat assigns metainfo to raw data. can the two be combined at...
Two problems were put forward with the current structure of the string. 1. Top level keys can be interpreted as belonging to all resources that a metadata string describes. It...
What is necessary for scenario comparisons? Collect requirements here before creating several issues for the implementation.
## Description of the issue The OEMetabuilder and the table download functions return metadata in a different form. ## Steps to Reproduce 1. Create a table through the upload wizard...