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magicLAMP copied to clipboard

magicLAMP is a full PHP development environment that works like magic! ✨

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About magicLAMP

magicLAMP is a full PHP development environment that works like magic! ✨

  • 🤩 Run multiple PHP versions (5.6 - 8.0) at the same time (no more restarting, or rebuilding)
  • 🙌 Automatic DNS resolution (bye-bye hosts file)
  • 🚀 Automatic Virtual Host creation (forget apache.conf or nginx.conf)
  • 🔒 Automatic and valid SSL certificates (mixed content errors are a thing of the past)
  • 💾 Pre-configured databases that are ready to use - MySQL - PostgreSQL - Redis - Memcached
  • 📋 Pre-configured database management tools - pgAdmin 4 - phpMyAdmin - redis-cli
  • ✉️ Catch all SMTP mail server with webmail for testing emails locally
  • 🔨 Powerful workspace with pre-installed dev tools
  • 👀 Selenium for Firefox and Chrome with VNC access
  • 🙏 Switchable versions of NodeJS and npm with nvm
  • 🔍 Built-in ElasticSearch
  • 🐇 Built-in RabbitMQ with management GUI
  • 🪶 Built-in Apache Kafka broker with web GUI
  • So much more

Getting Started

magicLAMP has extensive documentation to help you get started.


Thank you for considering contributing to magicLAMP! The contribution guide can be found in

Code of Conduct

In order to ensure that the magicLAMP project is welcoming to all, please review and abide by the Code of Conduct.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within magicLAMP, please do not report it publicly. Instead, please see the Security Policy


magicLAMP is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.